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'He bought my toenail clippings for $3,700': Inside the world of a financial dominatrix.

The first time Minki Minna heard about financial domination was on a podcast years ago. 

The 23-year-old knew instantly it was something she was interested in and when she started OnlyFans two years ago, her foray into the kink happened rather naturally. 

"People would find me," she tells Mamamia. "Financial domination is a submissive kink where people get off to giving money to a financial dominatrix who will spend their money. These people might get aroused from giving their bank details to somebody who will drain their bank account."

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A lot of the time, there is an element of bullying and teasing that makes the kink degrading for those who partake.

Minki, who is based in the Gold Coast and is studying to be a Sex and Relationship therapist, says each experience for her clients (who are called 'pay pigs') is "unique".

"They want me to spend their money. For example, they might ask me to log into their bank account and take money out of their account while I bully them on a phone call," she says. 

"Some will share their 'bare minimum' budget with me [like] how much they have to spend on rent, groceries, electricity… Then it's up to me to give them an 'allowance'. But if they're not well-behaved, I take money out of that allowance."

One client even asked Minki if she could "blackmail" him.

"They said, 'Here's my bank login details and here's a picture of my parents with their contact details. If I stop giving you money, you can send my nudes to my parents,'" the OnlyFans creator said — adding that it's all part of the fantasy. 

"I would never actually do it, obviously. But this kink is such a wide spectrum. Some people are not as extreme."

On one occasion, a man asked Minki if he could take out a $50,000 loan to give to her — which she turned down. Instead, she accepted $25,000.

"I told him no, because he wouldn't be able to repay that... [but] he wanted to be struggling to pay it back," she explains. "I'm not here to financially ruin anybody. I'll make sure they can actually afford it and aren't put into extreme debt. I never want to leave somebody high and dry."

Others might have unusual requests, too.

"Someone wanted me to get a manicure in the colour that they wanted, and then they wanted me to let the manicure grow out, and they bought my toenail clippings for $3,700," she says. "Other people pay me per minute to send them voice memos telling them that they're fat and disgusting."

The entire process of financial domination, says Minki, is "extremely consensual". 

"I have built a relationship with a lot of my clients over the years and they trust me a lot," she explains. "This is a huge thing. People are trusting you with their bank account details and trusting you with their lives and I would never want anyone to think this isn't heavily consent-based."

There are, of course, other aspects to financial domination that make it a worthwhile kink for those who partake. 

"The relationships that I make with [my pay pigs] are really meaningful," she says, but while being a financial dominatrix sounds alluring, Minki says it is definitely not for everyone and comes with a lot of responsibility. 

"You really have to immerse yourself in the world when you're doing it. You're playing a character," the 23-year-old says. "I've had a lot of females that want to be a financial dominatrix but I would never want a woman who would get into the role and then just take all of someone's money because these people are entrusting you with their money, with their lives.

"I'm extremely cautious and I don't want to give the wrong information about what it's like."

Nevertheless, Minki has been exploring the world of sex work as an "online experience" but doesn't have plans to continue on with OnlyFans forever. 

"I'm graduating in October. I am planning to do some volunteer work and I want to eventually open my own clinic," she says. 

"I will be a sex and relationship therapist so I don't believe it will be appropriate to have this side of me for people to see online."

Feature Image: Instagram @minki_minna.

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Top Comments

jwrites 3 months ago 1 upvotes
"I will be a sex and relationship therapist so I don't believe it will be appropriate to have this side of me for people to see online."

I’m confused. It’s online now. She will be a Google search away?