
'I'm expecting twins with my ex. His new girlfriend is acting like I'm her surrogate.'

Say your boyfriend breaks up with you and gets back with his ex-girlfriend. Then you find out you’re pregnant. How involved is his new (old) girlfriend allowed to be? This is the conundrum one woman is facing.

On the popular 'AmITheAssHole' sub-reddit, a 29-year-old anonymous woman explained that she dated Joe, 30, for three months before he left her to get back with his ex-girlfriend Kim, who is also 30. Right after the breakup, the woman found out she was pregnant. When she told Joe, he was ecstatic. 

"Turns out his girlfriend has fertility issues and would likely never be able to get pregnant naturally," she wrote on Reddit. "He has always wanted to be a father. Getting back together was out of the question for both of us, so he’s still with his girlfriend."

An appointment with the doctor revealed that they were expecting twins — news that prompted Joe's current girlfriend to have a "mental breakdown" about her own struggles with infertility.

Watch: 'Things I wish I knew in my first trimester.' Post continues below.

Video via YouTube/The Doctors Bjorkman.

"She wanted to talk to me," the woman said. "I met them at their house and Kim stated that she wanted to be involved in my pregnancy because she would eventually be the children’s stepmother.


"She started telling me that I needed to do a home birth, that I needed to formula feed so that they could have the babies half of the week, that she wanted one boy and one girl, and that she wanted the kid to call her 'Mama' since they would be calling me Mommy."

To this, the woman explained she "shut Kim down".

"I said I would make the best choices for my children and my body, and I left."

But Kim’s involvement — or desire to be included — didn’t stop there. The poster claimed that the 30-year-old "continued to be overbearing," messaging her daily about eating habits, exercise habits, and "bitching about how her job wouldn’t let her take maternity leave".

For a virtual genetics counselling appointment, Kim apparently took Joe’s place and spoke about her own family history. Joe also suggested that Kim attend the 20-week scan, but the mother-to-be refused.

Kim sat that one out, and Joe accompanied the soon-to-be mother to the appointment. There, the father found out the sex of the babies, while the pregnant woman chose not to find out, as she wanted to have a gender reveal party. 

"I put a pregnancy announcement on my social media, and then she put up an announcement saying that they were expecting twins 'the non-traditional way' and how blessed she was," the poster wrote.


Though irritated, the expectant mother "kept (her) mouth shut".

But the final straw came when Kim threw her own gender reveal party — without inviting the mother — and announced her intention to hold a baby shower.

"I commented on her posts and told her to stop treating me like a surrogate, that the kids weren’t hers, and that Joe didn’t have any claim or custody of the kids until they were born," she wrote.

"I then called Joe and reiterated all of this and stated that I would not be seeing either of them until we went to family court and that my mother would be my birthing partner."

After this, the woman claimed that Kim’s mother called her to insist she hand over one of her babies. "Like, is this The Parent Trap?" the poster asked.

A later update alleged that Kim had found the post and turned up to the woman's work, damaged her car, and broken multiple office windows. 

"I work with kids so she was arrested for not just the criminal damage and trespassing, but also child endangerment, so hopefully that works in my favour," the woman wrote.

People in the comments were scandalised, with the overwhelming majority writing that the woman was "NTA" (not the asshole) and urging the poster to "lawyer up".

One user said: "Kim's behaviour is creepy. She's acting like the babies are hers, and they're not. There is a big difference between wanting to be an involved "bonus Mom" and outright pretending like someone else's children are yours. Unless she's somehow convinced her family that you're planning to sign over your rights so she can adopt them (which would be a total lie), then honestly I don't see how anyone is siding with her."


Another added: "This is one of the most alarming and disturbing posts in this subreddit and I'm concerned for your welfare, and your children. Getting a lawyer is good advice — but you need to go further."

Someone else confessed they made an account just to comment. "Move. Now," they penned. "I know it's not ideal this late in a pregnancy with twins, but you need to move the f**k away, as far away as possible, as quickly as possible, and tell them nothing. 

A fourth wrote: "NTA you are not her f**king baby factory. She sounds unhinged and honestly I’d put as much distance between you and her and Joe as possible."

So, how did it end?

The woman’s final update read: "I have orders of protection against both Kim and Joe. I left the state anyway and Joe and Kim started harassing me again because there’s no legal jurisdiction when you leave the state, but I have enough evidence that I was able to press charges in my current state as well and will be pursuing a restraining order here."

Feature Image: Getty 

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