
'I'm an organisation expert. Here's why I follow the '1% theory'.'

If you're anything like most women I've ever met (especially parents), clutter is likely your worst enemy, and the idea of having a peaceful, organised home may feel like an unattainable dream.

We've all been there, caught up in the never-ending cycle of busy schedules and promising ourselves that we'll tackle it "when things slow down" or "when we have more time". But let's get real—time doesn't wait, and the chaos only multiplies.

That's why I'm excited to share this game-changing secret with you, my friend. And here's the beauty of it: you don't need a fortune or an army of cleaners to make it happen. It's something far simpler, yet incredibly powerful.

Watch: The Well: Gretchen Rubin's One Minute Rule. Story continues after video.

As Taylor Swift would say, are you ready for it?

Introducing the '1% theory'—a principle that has transformed the lives of my clients in my business Be Simply Free and can do the same for you.

Here's the breakdown: every day gifts you with 1,440 minutes, and that means a mere 14.4 minutes represents just 1% of your day.

Instead of ignoring the things that leave us stressed and annoyed, consider the compounding effect of dedicating 1% of each day to sorting them out.

It's not about overwhelming yourself with massive decluttering marathons or waiting for the perfect moment. It's about embracing the concept of gradual progress and the compounding effect it can have on your life.

As an organisation expert who lives by the one per cent theory, I've seen firsthand the transformative results it can bring.

Give me less than 1% of your day and I'll get you started:

“But I’m a busy mum with NO time…”

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I understand the unique challenges faced by busy mums who juggle countless responsibilities. It can be incredibly challenging to find time for ourselves, let alone to conquer the clutter that seems to accumulate relentlessly. That's why we believe in the power of consistency and the small but mighty steps of the '1% theory'. It's all about breaking the daunting task of decluttering into manageable chunks that fit seamlessly into your daily routine.

It’s more than the physical “stuff”.

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The '1% theory' is a philosophy that extends beyond decluttering physical spaces - it encompasses decluttering the mind as well. I firmly believe that the state of our external environment has a direct impact on our internal state. By dedicating just 15 minutes each day to decluttering, you create an opportunity to release mental burdens and create a sense of peace and clarity. You'll be amazed at how this practice can transform your overall well-being.

It’s progress over perfection.

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If you're a mum, you will know that finding time for yourself can often feel like an impossible dream. But with the '1% theory', I challenge you to prioritise self-care and reclaim your space. Set a timer, pick a specific area or task, and commit to devoting just 15 minutes a day to decluttering. Whether it's tackling the overflowing toy box, organising the kitchen pantry, or decluttering your inbox (yes digital clutter still counts!), every small step counts. You'll begin to see tangible progress, one day at a time.

Let it go.

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Beyond the physical benefits, the '1% theory' cultivates mindfulness and intentionality. By focusing on decluttering, you develop an awareness of what truly brings you joy and purpose. As a mum, it's easy to accumulate an excess of items, both physical and emotional, that no longer serve us. By intentionally dedicating time each day to let go of what no longer aligns with our values, we create space for what truly matters, be it quality time with our loved ones or pursuing our passions.

Baby steps change lives.

Image: Supplied

The '1% theory' has brought profound change to the lives of countless women. They have experienced not only physical transformations in their living spaces but also a newfound sense of peace and mental clarity. They've discovered the joy of living with intention, the beauty of a clutter-free environment, and the peace that comes from an organised mind.

Just start with 1% of your day TODAY!

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So, dear mama, it's time to reclaim your space and restore balance in your life. Embrace the power of the 1% theory and commit just 15 minutes each day to decluttering. Let go of the overwhelm and create a home that nurtures your soul. Remember, every small step counts. Be Simply Free and experience the transformative power of decluttering, one day at a time. Send me an Instagram DM with how you started.

Bridget Johns is an Organisation Expert, Time Optimiser and the founder of Be Simply Free. She is a master of helping people clear out the crap from their homes, calendars and lives so they can optimise their time and spend more of it collecting moments, not things. You can follow Bridget here.

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