
The reason Meghan Markle and the Queen reportedly clashed before the royal wedding.

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It appears some ~goss~ has emerged out of Kensington Palace that may or may not be completely made up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

A royal insider is claiming Meghan Markle threw a tanty before her royal wedding in May over her tiara.


According to the very reliable anonymous source who might not actually even exist, who knows, the Queen was forced to step in when Meghan asked to wear a purple trucker cap with the word “glam” written in diamantes on the front on her wedding day.

Ahem, not really.

Apparently Meghan, 37, wanted to wear an emerald tiara (like the one Princess Eugenie wore, we wonder?), but eventually had to plonk a second-rate diamond and platinum headpiece selected by the Queen on her head instead. Gross.

A “well-placed royal insider” told The Sun: “Meghan had her heart set on this tiara with emeralds and Prince Harry hit the roof when they were told it was impossible for her to wear it.

“The provenance of the tiara could not be established. There were concerns it could have come from Russia originally.”

Yes. Concerns over the Russian tiara.

“There was a very heated exchange that prompted the Queen to speak to Harry. She said, ‘Meghan cannot have whatever she wants. She gets what tiara she’s given by me’.

“The Queen also questioned why Meghan needed a veil for the wedding, given it was to be her second marriage.”


In a previous interview, however, Duchess of Sussex Meghan said she chose the tiara she did wear on the day after visiting Buckingham Palace with Prince Harry and the Queen to view the options together.

But, because the royal rumour mill never stops, apparently the tiara incident led to the Queen having words with Prince Harry about his bride, telling him that Meghan needed to re-assess how she speaks to staff.

Basically “check herself”, in royal language.

All the times Meghan Markle has broken royal rules. Post continues after video.

“The message from the Queen was very much that Meghan needed to think about how she speaks to staff members and be careful to follow family protocols.”

According to another anonymous source or maybe the same source, we’ve lost track, Meghan and Duchess of Cambridge Kate, 36, have clashed over the treatment of staff.

“Meghan can be difficult,” the insider said.

“She has very high standards and is used to working in a Hollywood environment.

“However, there’s a different degree of respect in the royal household and Kate has always been very careful about how she has acted around staff.”

While a spokesman for Meghan and Harry declined to comment, a new book about the royal family by Richard Jobson, Charles at 70, says that the Queen and Meghan have bonded over a love of dogs, so the tiara incident obviously hasn’t impacted their relationship too much.

…If it even happened.


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Rush 6 years ago

And once again we’re into New Idea territory, with made up stories from unnamed ‘sources’. You had such a great article about the woman doctor who served during WWI earlier today, a fascinating TRUE story. Then you print this drivel.