
Friday's news in under 2 minutes.


1. Some busy Victorian hospitals are shutting out pregnant women and critically ill infants because of a lack of a resources. Neonatal intensive units – including those at the Royal Women’s and Royal Children’s hospitals – have been classified as ‘closed’ or ‘restricted’ to new patients in some instances, according to leaked documents. Fairfax have reported this information from the Victorian Perinatal Information Centre, which indicates that some patients may be transferred to interstate hospitals because of the closures.

2. A judge in the US has sentenced Ariel Castro – the Cleveland man who kidnapped three women, kept them captive and repeatedly raped them –  to life in prison plus 1000 years. Castro told he court he was “not a monster” but just addicted to pornography. One of his victims, Michelle Knight, addressed the court saying: “I spent 11 years in hell, and now your hell is just beginning.”

3. After a 14-hour Qantas flight that touched down in Australia from Chile yesterday, many of the passengers had a rude shock when 22 of their fellow travellers starting vomiting uncontrollably. The afflicted passengers were travelling as a group and all contracted a gastro intestinal illness before boarding the plane – which, with 22 people trying to use the bathroom, was probably just as unpleasant as it sounds. The sick travellers were all placed in quarantine after touching down.

4. Zimbabwe’s opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has called the country’s presidential election a “huge farce” saying President Robert Mugabe has rigged votes. Mr Mugabe claimed victory in the election and has denied the accusations of electoral tampering.

5. The United Nations in Baghdad says that more than 1000 Iraqis have been killed in July, making it one of the most violent months on record. Throughout the year, an approximated 4,137 civilians have also been killed. It’s been nearly two years since the US pulled troops out of Iraq and the figures indicate that attacks against civilians and security forces are intesifying.

6. The BBC has apologised after the broadcaster accidentally showed images of Prince William, with a drawing of a penis on his head, on its breakfast show. “We failed to spot the offending material within it. We apologise for this,” the broadcaster said. The image was shown in a comedy promotional video and viewers were quick to notice the error and tweet pictures of it.

Look for the moment at around 35 seconds in.

7. After spending a month living in Moscow airport, whistle blower Edward Snowden has reportedly been granted temporary asylum in Russia. Snowden is wanted by the United States Government. He stands accused of espionage and stealing government property when he leaked information about US national security to Wikileaks.

8. There have been reports that archeologists in Turkey have found part of a 1350-year-old cross near the Black Sea – which they are claiming is part of the cross used in Jesus’ crucifixion. The archaeologists were completing an excavation at the 1,350-year-old Balatlar Church when they made the discovery in a stone chest.

9. Australian swimmer James Magnussen has successfully defended his 100m freestyle title at the Swimming World Championships in Barcelona overnight. After the race, 22-year-old Magnussen told the media that he was “relieved”.


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Top Comments

carikku 11 years ago

Okay, I'll can a piece of a cross that is 1350 years old be part of a cross used in a crucifixion that happened 2000 years ago?

Anonymous 11 years ago

It's a miracle!

Kate 76 11 years ago

Hate to break it to you but the shut outs in the neonatal ward are nothing new. It is quite common to have a patient fly interstate to find a neonatal bed. In the time I was at a nicu in Sydney with my daughter, we met babies from all over nsw as well as Perth, Darwin and Brisbane. When our ward was full to the brim they even looked into flying one anti natal patient to nz. Luckily a bed opened up in Sydney. This is not new and there's no solution in sight- nicus are notoriously badly funded and require the most expensive machinery of any of the wards. Our nicu was entirely reliant I donations except for staff and basics. (Very basic medical supplies). All the machinery- sometimes costing a million dollars per device- is donated or fundraised.