
Mum has words for "crazy ballsy woman" who says bikini not appropriate for mothers.

A US mum has taken to social media sharing a picture of her four month post partum body and the cutting remarks she made to a stranger who commented on it at the pool.

Lexi Sinclair now has mums across the world cheering, with her photo and remarks going viral.

Sinclair shared with her 1400 Facebook friends how proud she was of her post baby body after outlining an incident involving a stranger’s inappropriate comments.

Sinclair says a woman approached her at a pool and started asking relatively innocent questions about her son. Later in the conversation the woman commented on her swimsuit and the effect she thought it was having on others at the pool.

The woman said that the men at the pool would feel more comfortable if she was in a one-piece swim suit rather than a bikini because a bikini isn’t appropriate for a mother especially one who’s “still recovering”.

In her post, Sinclair said:

“So today I took my 4 month old son to the pool. While putting Christian’s pool hat on, a woman (maybe mid 50s) comes up and makes conversation with me about Christian. Asking me his age, how much he weighs, how he sleeps, etc. She then proceeded to tell me that the men at the pool would feel more comfortable if I was in a one-piece swim suit because a bikini isn’t appropriate for a mother, especially one who’s “still recovering.” Anyone who knows me knows I had a few words for this crazy, ballsy woman. But instead I just smiled, kissed my son and told her, “I’m proud of my body. In just one year I’ve gained 50 pounds, and lost 37. I’ve grown a human and given birth to a beautiful miracle. My body provided food for my child. So, no, my body might not be the best sight for other men to see. My stretch marks and tummy pudge might not be sexy. But they’re proof that I’ve done something amazing, and I have a man that loves me and finds me even sexier and more beautiful now. To be honest, I don’t give a tiny rats ass what other men, or a prissy twit like you think. Have a nice day though.”

What a legend Lexi is for standing up to the commentator. What a woman’s body looks like, whether she’s given birth or not, is no one’s business (just like it’s no one’s business how we feed/settle/dress our child).

It takes huge balls (so to speak!) to stand up to a body-shamer in public. From mums everywhere, I applaud you Lexi.

You show em, sister.

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Top Comments

disqus_Q21f2qfIX9 8 years ago

"It takes huge balls (so to speak!) to stand up to a body-shamer in public."

No. No, no, no. It doesn't take "balls". It takes huge courage, chutzpah, sass, confidence.
Testicles have NOTHING to do with it, OBVIOUSLY.

"So to speak" or not, stop using testicles as a compliment.

matty 8 years ago

I honestly cant believe a person would walk up to a complete stranger and say something like that??? I can't fathom what must be going through their minds! Are they just nasty people? or do they genuinely believe these comments are helpful? It blows my mind

Philosophical 8 years ago

Different, (and I can't remember a time it was negative just odd), but I got STOPPED regularly for years to be asked:
"Are they your daughters?"
"are they all yours?" (I only have three btw), and
"how old are you?"

Usually included were the comments "you must be busy" (especially ironic when I was speed walking through the shops in a suit with three kids in tow!) and "wow, they look like you".

Probably from the time the youngest was 2 until the youngest was 10?

This would happen at least once every two or three shopping trips. Who just randomly walks up and stops a stranger to ask them this?!

(Still get the comments, but they've changed now, usually only when one of them calls me Mum then someone freaks out!)

mc 8 years ago

I guess you dont really see triplets very often and people dont want to make comments on kids you might be babysitting. I dont think its meant to be offensive. I have one child and at times I feel exhausted, it would be busy and exhausting with 3 :) Its an acknowledgement on the hard work. just not easy to spell out i guess.

Philosophical 8 years ago

I don't actually have triplets. Just three close(ish) in age (17.5 months gap then a 2.5 yr gap). I think it is partly because I was 19 when I had my first daughter, but I have always looked younger than I am.

I definitely don't find it offensive, but I still find it random that people walk up and stop a stranger to ask questions on their personal life. I've been very lucky that the vast majority of my random people commenting on my age and parenting status has been positive!

Sadly it does make me believe people could be as offensive as the older lady in this story.