reality tv

Why Keira Maguire is certain she won't be the next Bachelorette after her break-up.

Oh, bummer. Put away your mango daiquiris.

Following Keira Maguire‘s recent break-up from Jarrod Woodgate, fans (and “sources”) were suggesting Keira could be our next Bachelorette.

But, well, no.

Keira told Mamamia she’s not ready for more TV lovin’ and described the suggestion as “hilarious”.

“I’m literally going through a break-up. It has been three weeks, I’ve done enough crying and I’ve lost enough sleep and I’ve lost a few kilos… but at the same time it’s the furthest thing from my mind. I can’t even think about it right now,” she said.

“It’s a bit fresh. Everyone needs to calm down I think.”

The Bachelor in Paradise star said the pair hadn’t seen each other since he broke up with her via text message.

“We haven’t even had a conversation in person or seen each other in person which is a little bit upsetting to me because I think I at least deserve that.”

Keira also takes issue with Jarrod’s claim last week that Instagram broke them up but she’s not keen on the pair bickering through the media.

“I know I’m not obsessed with Instagram, yes it is a part of my work, so it’s something that comes hand in hand with what I’m doing. Maybe he was a little naive to think that wasn’t going to be the case, but unfortunately that is something that goes hand in hand with being on a reality TV show. I think it’s a little bit of a cop out, but that’s okay, I think he was upset when he said that.”

She said she was busy with Instagram during the relationship because she managed his account as well as hers. Yeah.

“I forgive him and I don’t really want it to be a bitter feud. I don’t want us to be fighting and I don’t want us to be saying things that we will regret, because I know he will regret that.”

Speaking of her break-up, she's found a way to have a little fun with it.

Keira has teamed up with Deliveroo to launch Australia's first break-up delivery service.

The Heartbreak Pizza, a broken heart shaped pizza, emblazoned with punny break-up lines such as “It’s not you, it’s meat” and “I think we should see other pizzas” is this week available across the country.

Keira will be playing heartbreak Sherpa during the week of release delivering pizzas, advice and comforting cuddles to one heartbroken Sydneysider.

She said the campaign was well timed for her, but she wanted to get involved because it's fun, empowering, and well, who doesn't love pizza?

"If I had a pizza sent with the text Jarrod sent me to break up with me, it would've lightened the blow a little bit," she told Mamamia.

"'Jarrod, it's not too late to buy me a pizza. I just feel it was the only thing that was missing from the text message you sent... I'll be waiting'."


The Heartbreak Pizzas are available in NSW, VIC and SA from Monday 10 to Sunday 16, September via Deliveroo.

Deliveroo customers will be able to try out these heartbreak pizzas at the restaurants below:

  • NSW: Epic Pizza, Sydney
  • VIC: Fruscolino Pizzeria, Richmond
  • SA: Goodlife Modern Organic Pizza, Adelaide and Glenelg

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Top Comments

Simple Simon 6 years ago

Inspired by Nirvana, could the pizza come in a "Heart-Shaped Box"?