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Five years ago, Abbie Chatfield confided in The Bachelor girls. Then one backed her into a pantry.

Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew's chemistry radiated off screens on The Bachelor Australia in 2019. She was a clear favourite of his, even if she wasn't a fan-favourite.

She was portrayed as the ultimate villain, with viewers quickly picking up their pitchforks whenever she entered the scene. Inside the Bachie Mansion, Abbie didn't fare much better. 

On her popular It's A Lot podcast, Abbie has now opened up about her experience, in conversation with the man himself.  

"You know the girls tried to force me to tell you that I was bisexual. Did I tell you this?" Abbie said to Matt. 

Abbie went on to reveal that she had confided some personal details with the other women, thinking the Bachie Mansion had big "sleepover" energy where all the women could be open and honest. 

"All these things that I was telling these girls was then getting used. Like I told them I had an abortion then it was Abbie doesn't want kids. That was the conclusion from it. You know what I mean?" she said. "And I was twenty-f***ing-three.

"The bisexual thing, I don't know if I told you this. I told the girls that I had slept with a woman. I don't even think I was saying I was bisexual, I was just saying I had slept with a woman. One time, one of the girls cornered me in the butler's pantry and was like 'you have to tell him.' And I was like 'why?'" she continued.

"I knew you wouldn't care, because we'd spoken about politics," she continued. "But they all thought you were this conservative man."

Both Matt and Abbie burst out laughing at this, given his "left wing" views, with her continuing on to say, "They couldn't believe you liked me, they thought I was crazy."

Matt Agnew appeared on It's A Lot with Abbie Chatfield. Image: Supplied.


The duo also addressed their infamous first meeting, and Matt confirmed that Abbie's iconic Gemini quip was edited to make her look dumb. 

Abbie revealed she had actually asked his star sign before saying hers, then it was edited to look like she had responded with "I'm a Gemini" to his comment "I'm an astrophysicist."

"It was frustrating seeing how the edit played out, we had all these interesting conversations of substance and that all got cut because it wasn't an interesting narrative for what they were trying to put," Matt revealed.

Listen to Matt Agnew on This Glorious Mess. Story continues below.


"But the way it was kind of done at the time, it was awful. And there was this pressure from other women in the house that kind of bullied you into saying that you needed to. Anyway, it was a lot of shitty stuff."

Abbie and Matt on The Bachelor in 2019. Image: Channel 10.

The pair are firm friends now, despite the heartbreak Abbie felt when she came in second in the season finale. 

Calling the moment he had to dump Abbie in South Africa "shit," Matt revealed, "It's an intense situation for all parties I think. And having to do that and like literally stand there on camera knowing that I'm about to really hurt someone that I care about was a shit thing."


Nowadays, things are easy breezy between the two. Matt even met (and adores) Abbie's boyfriend, Adam Hyde.

"I've never felt less cool because this is like the coolest person I’ve ever met," he said of their encounter. We love to see a supportive ex! Listen to Abbie's full podcast episode here.

Abbie and Matt are still friends, despite the on air edits and drama. Image: Channel 10.

Feature Image: Channel 10.

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