
We need to talk about the 9 specific things dads did growing up in the '90s.

Thanks to our brand partner, Dan Murphy's

Picture this: it’s the 1990s. You’ve just dialled up to the internet, your favourite shows are on Nickelodeon, and your dad is doing something that makes you laugh and cringe simultaneously. 

Yes, we need to talk about the things dads did growing up in the '90s — those unforgettable, head-scratching habits that left us puzzled and amused.

Grab your flannelette shirt and slap bracelet, because it’s time to take a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Perhaps also sigh with relief that some of these dad-isms actually stayed in the '90s.

The DIY extraordinaire

Remember the weekends when Dad would disappear into the shed, only to emerge hours later with some grand project that was way beyond his skill level? 

My dad once decided to build a treehouse from scratch. Despite his best efforts, it ended up as a slightly lopsided but charming hangout spot that became the backdrop of many childhood adventures. 

Whether it was a wonky bookshelf or a creatively patched-up fence, his *unique* DIY projects did teach us kids the value of perseverance... and the winning combo of an allen key and a can-do attitude.

The solo wander 

Saturday afternoons were always reserved for Dad's solo adventures to places like Dan Murphy's, the camping store, or anywhere that basically sold hardware. 

He'd come back with tales of the "perfect bottle" he'd found or the gadget that was going to make life easier. I remember him coming home one year with his own Father's Day gift already sorted, courtesy of his favourite drop from Dan Murphy's. "Just popped over to Dan's," he'd say, as if he'd just visited an old mate he'd had for years. He walked in our front door, declaring he had found the ultimate gift for himself — no input needed from us.

It’s where I learned that sometimes, it’s best to leave the Father's Day gifting to the experts. When it comes to finding a priceless gift for Dad at the right price, nobody beats Dan Murphy's.

The constant quoting of The Castle

Dads in the '90s had an incredible "gift" for quoting movies, and The Castle was at the top of the list. My dad would often channel his inner Darryl Kerrigan, spouting lines like, "Tell him he's dreamin'!", or "How's the serenity?" whenever the house felt unusually quiet. 

And if he wasn’t quoting The Castle, he was channelling his inner Steve Irwin with a "crikey" whenever something remotely exciting happened. 

The moustache phase 

Remember when every ‘90s dad suddenly looked like they belonged in a cop drama? 

The moustache was THE hallmark of '90s masculinity. My dad's was a glorious thick 'stache that he wore with pride, and it coincided perfectly with the era of big hair and even bigger personalities. 

Whether it was a nod to Magnum P.I. or just a style choice, it was like a rite of passage, and every family photo from that time features Dad with his proud, bushy upper lip. 

The barbeque master 

No '90s dad's skill set was complete without being the master of the barbeque. Rain, hail, or shine, Dad was out there flipping burgers and turning sausages. Armed with his tongs and his secret marinade recipe, he’d declare himself the king of the grill. 

Those weekend barbeques were a staple, filled with laughter, slightly overcooked sausages and the unmistakable scent of charred meat. 

The born animal whisperer

Given we were blessed with Steve Irwin, there's a portion of '90s dads he inspired to be self-proclaimed wildlife warriors, turning every family outing into a safari of sorts. Armed with his cargo shorts and likely a fanny pack, this dad would lead the charge into the great outdoors.

And nothing beat the excitement of Dad discovering a flock of lorikeets. "Quick, everyone, hold out your arms like branches!", he’d say. Mum did always wonder why her loaves of bread seemed to go missing…

The planning every inch of family road trips 

This dad LOVED planning family road trips. He’d be pulling out a big map, as were the times when they were still stashed in the family Toyota Camry, and plot the family's course with great enthusiasm, marking all the spots to visit along the way. 

From the Big Pineapple to random roadside attractions, every stop was an adventure. And with the car packed to the brim, this dad's catchphrase would likely be to "go to the toilet now, because we’re not stopping for a while."

The dad jokes on tap

Say no more. Whether a pun or a corny one-liner, Dad jokes from any father figure of this era were a staple at family gatherings. 

"I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it!" you'd here one say, probably met with collective groans. And of course, "Hi hungry, I’m Dad" was always on high rotation.

Could the jokes have been funnier? Absolutely. But it was their way of keeping you smiling, no matter the occasion. 

The "Back in my day..." stories 

They all had them — those nostalgic tales of their own childhood. "Back in my day, we didn’t have all these gadgets. We played outside with rocks until the streetlights came on."

Sounding like a broken record, these stories became family lore, reminding us of simpler times and how "primitively" Dad lived growing up.

Shop Dan Murphy’s to help you find a special gift for every father figure in your life this Father's Day.

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Feature Image: Getty/Etsy/eBay/Wikimedia Commons/eBay

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