parent opinion

Women told us the one thing their dad did that made them close. The answers were unexpected.

My dad and I are super close. I know that unfortunately that can be a rare experience and my heart hurts for those who aren't.

He's been the one who would make me whatever I wanted to eat whenever I wanted to eat it. 

He drives me to appointments and parties regardless of the time. 

If I'm ever in trouble, he's the type of person who will help first, ask questions later. 

In fact many people besides my mum, sister and I have him down as their emergency contact, because that's just the person he is. 

Watch: If my dad was a smart home speaker. Post continues below. 

Video via Mamamia

There are many things that makes us close, but if I had to put it down to a singular reason, it would be his ability to show love loudly. 

But in a world where so many people sadly experience estrangement or difficult relationships with the father or the father-figure in their life, I'm always fascinated by what made the ones with strong bonds so strong. 

So I asked women to share the one thing their dad did that made them close. And the unexpected thing was that they weren't huge, grand gestures. They were the tiny things that mattered. 


Here's what they had to say... 

"He took me to bookshops and libraries to pick out books together. And then he'd read to me every night."

"Back in the day before hair dryers, my dad would towel dry my hair after the weekly Sunday night hair wash."

"We'd go on 'daddy-daughter dates'. Every few Sundays we’d go out for the day together — for a bike ride, for lunch, all different things."

"Admitted he was wrong."

"Taught me how to play golf. He even took me to buy better golf clothes when I was going to a fancy golf club. Granted, they were men's chino's, but it was still nice of him to make sure I looked the part."

"Took me to chemo each week and supported me and my family throughout my recovery."

"He messages me every day to say good morning and a new flower emoji like he’s giving me a bunch of flowers each day."

"Had a made up language together. We had no idea what we were saying, but it was just ours."

"We weren't close, but I love that he came to watch all my netball games."

"He encouraged me to choose hobbies and activities. He took me to all the practices and trainings and all the events. Always supporting, cheering and encouraging. Down to helping me eat the best food before and after games to replenish! These were not activities he had done or was passionate about, He was just passionate about spending time with me and cheering me on!"


"No matter what, he always gave me a safe place to come home to as an adult when things got tough. The last time we lived together before he died, I was 35 and he was 80. I’m so glad we went through all the family photos and made notes. He was diagnosed with dementia soon afterwards."

"Care for my own children as babies. I never expected it and it's been beautiful seeing him as a Poppy and how his grandchildren light him up."

"When I turned 18 and could start going to pubs and nightclubs, he said to me. 'Never get in a taxi or any car with someone you don’t know. I will always pick you up and drop you off with whoever, no questions asked.' You know what? He always did."

"Drove me to swimming training every morning at 6am then picked me up again and dropped me to school on his way to work. It was our routine that lasted about six years."

"We were always close but since my mum (they were married for 59 years) passed this year, I am closer to him than ever. We go for breakfast or lunch at least once a week and play Scrabble against each other."

"My dad always brought me a glass of water when I was crying. It’s the only thing that would make me feel better. I bring a glass of water to my kids now."

"One thing that stands out is that when I had my baby, the first thing he did was give me a massive hug and told me how proud he was of me. At the time I thought he should be hugging the baby not me, but then I realised that his baby had a baby and I will never forget that. Everyone forgets mum when the baby is born but my dad didn’t."


"We used to chat in the car listening to 'Fine Young Cannibals' and play board games. There's a particular song that will always make me think of him. He would also make me my favourite pasta dish every week and gave me an appreciation for food."

"We sang and danced together when I was small. The last time we danced together was last year at my niece’s wedding and he was so happy. He was a complicated and often cranky man, but I have happy memories. Yesterday he left the world."

"Plaited my hair when I was younger."

"One of my first memories is my dad teaching me the names of notes and chords by telling them to me while he played them on his guitar. My mum wasn't musical, so music was a specifically dad thing."

"Took us on coastal drives, spent time with us and was always there. Worked extremely hard but always home for family dinner at 6pm."

What made you and your dad close? Tell us in the comments.

If you want more culture opinions by Emily Vernem, you can follow her on Instagram @emilyvernem.

Feature images: Canva.

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