
Don't know what to watch tonight? Our Sunday TV horoscope will tell you.

No, you’re not imagining things, it really is Sunday night already. My deepest condolences to you and the plans you never got around to. But before you go diving into a spiral of sadness about setting your Monday morning alarm, remember this: the summer TV shutdown period has officially ended and we suddenly have many great viewing options at our fingertips.

Whether you’re interested in eating your feelings, judging the life choices of others or trying something new, we’ve got all your bases covered.

Married at First Sight

Perfect for: smug couples and those deep in the relationship zone.

Why you should watch: For reasons still unclear to me, coupled people love to peer into the lives of singles and see how the other half live. Usually, it's accompanied by pity-laden statements and comments like, "don't give up! There's someone out there for you." But thanks to television and the privacy that is your own home, you can watch singles, that are also strangers, marry one another and hope for the best and judge away as loudly as you like.

Where to find it: Channel 9 from 7pm.

If you've missed Married at First Sight, you can catch all the previous episode recaps here

Santa Clarita Diet 

Perfect for: those looking to avoid free-to-air reality TV shows and spend more than an hour on the couch.

Why you should watch: It stars Drew Barrymore, combines day-to-day suburban family life with vampires and blood-sucking and wraps it all up in a light-hearted, comedic bow. Plus, the entire first season is now on Netflix, so you can binge several episodes at once if you find yourself needing a couple of hours on the couch. No judgement if you fall asleep and drool a little, we've all been there.

Where you can find it: Netflix.

I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 

Perfect for: people whose hangovers have lingered all day.

Why you should watch: Sure, you had a big Saturday night and a seriously unproductive Sunday, but before you go thinking your life sucks more than everyone else's, why not switch on your TV and watch 16 celebrities battle out life in the jungle. And if you really want to get indulgent, order some UberEats and basque in the beauty that is home delivery while watching the contestants eat minimal amounts of rationed food. You'll feel better in no time.

Where you can find it: Channel 10 from 7pm.

Dawson's Creek

Perfect for: Anyone wanting to take a walk down memory lane.

Why you should watch it: I want to list a million different reasons, but really, just see below.

Where you can find it: All six seasons are now available on Stan.

My Kitchen Rules

Perfect for: those looking to throw shade and judge people with reckless abandon.

Why you should watch: The truth is, MKR is basically the poor man's Masterchef. The cooking techniques and dishes are never as good, the at-home restaurants are always pretty dinky, and a cooking show with Matt Preston just makes zero sense. But it's because of those exact things that people love MKR and feel no remorse about shouting at the television, making bitchy snipes about the couple's plating up skills or telling Manu to shut up already about his love of sauce.

Where you can find it: Channel 7 from 7pm.

Listen to Mamamia's screen obsessed team discuss the best TV moments of the week on The Recap. 

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Of course you missed the best watch tonight.The return of Midsomer Murders