
Your skinny jeans are killing you.

Do NOT squat in skinny jeans. We repeat, do NOT squat in skinny jeans.

Skinny jeans. When it comes to the style of denim-clad legs, there’s no such thing as too tight, right?


A 35 year-old woman from Adelaide may have taken it a bit far. In fact, she almost died.

Our fashionista friend spent the day wearing skinny jeans and helping a friend move house (NB: probably better to do all that squatting and lifting in trackies). On the way home, her feet began to feel numb, and then she collapsed, unable to move her legs.


The poor skinny-jeaned lady lay on the ground for hours before she was found and rushed to hospital.

Her feet and legs were so swollen that her jeans had to be cut off by hospital staff. As it turns out, her jeans were compressing a nerve behind her knees, causing her ankles and knees to weaken and bloat. It took four days on an IV drop in hospital for the woman to walk again.


Fashion news: This has got to be the most uncomfortable fashion rule ever.

Jeans that are too tight can cause ‘Compartment Syndrome’, a condition usually associated with bandages or casts that are wrapped too tightly. As well as nerve damage behind the knees, tight jeans can affect the kidneys and create nerve lesions in the groin. Gahhhhh.



Okay, ladies. This is the plan. Firstly, don’t squat in skinny jeans. But better yet:

Let’s work together to bring the muu muu back in fashion. Or hospital gowns. Or the old trackies with the busted elastic that you save for special occasions like camping or painting the house.

Loosen your pants. Keep your legs.

What’s your jean style of choice? Skinny? Or not-so skinny?


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Top Comments

Ineedacoffee 9 years ago

Bring back flares!!!

Zepgirl 9 years ago


Ineedacoffee 9 years ago

I know im right in flare love, flares never landed me in the emergency room

Daijobou 9 years ago

I recently bought myself a pair of elasticated waist jogger pants. ( basically a euphemism for fancy track suit pants). Funny what being pregnant does to your sense of style!
They are the most comfortable thing ever, not sure if I can ever go back to jeans again...