
A major royal family spat has erupted, but the Queen is not having a bar of it.

Just when you thought everything was hunky dory in the royal land of Kensington and nothing except Prince George mattered anymore, a fight between Prince Charles and Prince Andrew is said to have broken out with the two pulling the Queen into the fray.

According to The Express, the argument erupted when 56-year-old Prince Andrew wrote a letter to his 90-year-old mother requesting that his daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, be given full-time roles within the royal family, similar to that of Harry, William and Kate.

The letter is also said to have requested larger living spaces for Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie at Kensington Palace.

Speaking to The Express earlier this week, a source close to the family says Prince Andrew "has long argued that as the only "blood princesses" in the family, Beatrice and Eugenie deserve proper royal roles like their cousins, along with the same standard of accommodation at Kensington Palace."

Sounds a little bit Lucius Malfoy to us... but sure.

26-year-old Princess Eugenie works as an associate director at an art gallery, and 28-year-old Princess Beatrice is currently unemployed, focusing on her "entrepreneurial ambitions."

Not wanting to deal with Andrew's request, the Queen passed the matter onto her son-in-waiting, Prince Charles, who, wary about adding more royals to the taxpayer-funded list, passed it onto a member of the British government, requesting they break the bad news to his younger brother.

"The Prince of Wales is already conscious that he divides opinion more than his mother," the source explained, adding, "The last thing he wants is additional criticism by keeping peripheral royals on the public payroll."

Sounds like this family could use a visit from Bernard Salt to talk about saving for a house deposit.

Families, amirite?

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Top Comments

Susie 8 years ago

Both of Prince Andrew's daughters should get off their respective backsides and find decent employment. Perhaps Pippa Middleton could go job hunting with them.

Ally 8 years ago

The difference being that Pippa Middleton is not living off the public purse.

Susie 8 years ago

Maybe so, but it is somewhat ironic that Pippa's parents obviously have very strong work ethics, whilst their daughter has none.

Ally 8 years ago

Well that's on the parents, really. It seems to be common with some people that have made a lot of money and then decide they don't want their children to "struggle" like they did.

Kay 8 years ago

They're hardly the only 'blood princesses', what about Anne and Charlotte?

Rush 8 years ago

I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem if there was any indication that they would work as hard as Princess Anne - somehow I can't see that happening!

Ally 8 years ago

Presumably it means only those in that generation with titles. Zara Philips doesn't have a royal title and Lady Louise (daughter of Prince Edward) is deliberately styled as the daughter of an earl, even though she is entitled to be Princess Louise.