
Miranda Kerr shares a detailed account of her morning-to-night beauty routine.

Miranda Kerr has shared her morning-to-night beauty routine – and it involves meditation, crystals and a lot of products.

In the Vogue Australia feature, the model details her entire routine – which she insists has to be “simple, quick and easy” – from her 5.30am meditation to her bedtime meditation.

The mum-of-two starts her morning skincare routine by applying a facial oil – from her own natural skincare line Kora Organics, of course – before meditating for a half hour of me-time until her sons Flynn, seven, and four-month-old Hart wake up.

After a quick spritz of citrus or rose mist and a dab of eye oil, Kerr next applies a face mask, offering a clever tip we’re probably going to steal.

“I will do it when I’m multitasking,” she tells the magazine. “I can put it on before I breastfeed or put it on while I am making breakfast. I will put my mask on when I am doing those things and then I will jump into the shower to wash it off.”

Kerr next uses a rose quartz crystal (she’s a big fan of those) to massage more Noni oil – made from the Australian native fruit – into her face.

“I find that my face, especially in the morning, is really puffy so massaging it is really such a good way to stimulate circulation,” she says.

The former Victoria’s Secret angel’s daily makeup routine is incredibly simple: a little concealer, a little luminiser, some lip balm, a brush of her eyebrows, and sometimes a curl of her eyelashes – “but most of the time I have no time”.

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In the evening, the 35-year-old washes her face with the same 2-in-1 exfoliating mask product she used as a mask that morning, moisturises and then sprays a little lavender mist, with a quick spritz on her pillow as well.

Kerr ends the day the way she starts it, with a short transcendental meditation session, which involves her silently repeating a mantra with her eyes closed.

“I do a little meditation as I am falling off to sleep, so I can do that while I am closing my eyes.”

But before Kerr snuggles into bed with her tech entrepreneur husband Evan Spiegel, she does one thing to her phone. Again, it’s a simple tip we might just copy.

“I just don’t like to have that next to my head. I am too tempted to look at it. [It’s] lights off, Wi-Fi off, phone on airplane mode.”

How does your skincare routine compare to Miranda Kerr’s?

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