
A ghoster or a social media stalker: This is your worst dating habit, according to your star sign.


People say there’s a lot you can learn about someone from their star sign, and we’re inclined to agree.

We’ve covered each star sign’s worst traits and now we’re moving on to what each zodiac sign is like in a relationship… and it’s not all rainbows, lollipops and daisy chains.

Show us a Scorpio who isn’t guilty of a little social media stalking, or an absent-minded Pisces who hasn’t accidentally ghosted someone, and we’ll show you a liar.

But whatever your worst dating habit might be, just know that it’s not your fault per se, it’s just your star sign.

Aries – You’re the keenest bean in the can.

It's great to know what you want, but your can-do (some say overbearing?) attitude is confronting to some people, even if you yourself don't realise it yourself.

Problematic dating behaviour:

You're an over-texter.

You've planned the date, sent them four follow-up messages confirming the time, location, activities to be undertaken and optimal footwear choice. Afterwards, you want to know exactly how they felt and if you're going to see them again. For the love of instant messaging, can you chill?

Taurus - You don't 'let go' in an argument.

For all intents and purposes, Taureans make great partners. You're stable, calm and devoted to a fault, but you're also hopelessly stubborn and goodness, that can be annoying. You've never met a small disagreement you haven't festered into a grudge and the phrase "I told you so" might just be your favourite four words in the English language.

Problematic dating behaviour:

It doesn't matter whether it's a tiny difference of opinion on the best coffee shop in your suburb or whether you want to go to the farmer's market or brunch on a Saturday morning, you don't like to budge on your convictions.

Mainly because you know you're 100 per cent right, no ifs, buts or maybes.

Gemini - You're inconsistent with your emotions.

Your relationships go from a passionate love affair to absolute indifference in the space of a Grey's Anatomy episode, and you've come to accept that. It's not you, it's your a-thousand-miles-a-minute Gemini soul, and you can't help it.

You hate routine and tend to get bored easily, which doesn't translate well to your love life.

Problematic dating behaviour:

You have no qualms about cancelling plans with your date the hour before you're set to meet, and sometimes you forget that this is really annoying for the person you made said plans with. Your friends might describe you as a bit of a flake, but meh, you just weren't feeling it.

Cancer - You suffocate people with your love.

We say this with love, but your nurturing, loving and endearing soul can be too much for some people. You exclusively communicate in elaborate romantic gestures and you've probably said the phrase, 'I love you' to someone on the first date.

Problematic dating behaviour:

You're prone to smothering people and your constant attention and need for romantic validation can be emotionally draining for some people. We know you mean well, but maybe slow things down a notch... please?

Leo - You talk about yourself... a lot.

Some say self-obsessed, you say self-aware. Leos tend to think they're pretty great and for good reason.

You can't help that you love your life, and that's why you can't stop talking about your job (which you're great at), your exercise goals (which you regularly smash and need to increase) and your new eating regime (which is giving you SO much more energy).

Problematic dating behaviour:

You tend to talk about yourself a lot and like to revolve the conversation entirely around you. It's all about your hobbies, where you've travelled and what you like to do on the weekends, so much so that your poor date can't keep up... or perhaps they've zoned out of the conversation. Not that you'd notice, to be honest.

Virgo - You're overly-critical.

Is it OK to ghost a person because you gave them three options for after work drinks and they picked your least favourite one? This is the question you've asked yourself many a time.

Your friends might call you "picky" but you disagree. It's called having standards.

Problematic dating behaviour:

You once ghosted a person because you disagreed with their fork and knife holding technique. You decided there was no coming back from there and to this day you stand by that decision.

Libra - You care about protecting the other person's feelings. Too much.

Making decisions are your worst nightmare and in all honesty, you're too balanced for your own good. You hate conflict and try and avoid it at all costs.

Problematic dating behaviour:

You once stayed in a relationship three and a half months longer than you should have because you couldn't bear the thought of breaking up with them.

It didn't work out very well for either of you... and yet it keeps on happening.

Scorpio - You're a social media stalker.

Scorpios are known for there determination and... obsessive tendencies but when it comes to dating this means you have absolutely no chill.

But please note: you do not work for ASIO, you are merely trying to establish a connection with that cute person you swiped right with on Bumble. Stop being weird.

Problematic dating behaviour:

It started off with a little Facebook stalk and now you know what high school they went to, their Year 10 extracurricular activities and can draw a rough Venn diagram of their entire friendship circle. You've also narrowed their address down to a two-suburb radius thanks to the seven months worth of Instagram geo-tags.

At least you're thorough.

Sagittarius - You neg your date.

Conversationally, you're a straight shooter and sometimes your words can be a little pointed. And while you believe that honesty is the best policy, your date with the bruised ego would be inclined to disagree.

Problematic dating behaviour:

The phrase 'little white lie' means absolutely nothing to you, as do the words 'filter' and 'niceties'. You sometimes wonder why your brutally honest comments aren't well received, but please learn some social cues, nobody wants to be psychoanalysed on a first date. You're not Dr Phil.

Capricorn - You're a snob.

Think Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl, Charlotte York from Sex and the City and Emily Gilmore from The Gilmore Girls. You're unabashedly particular about who you date and you're unapologetic about it.

You didn't even think Toffee (the new dating app exclusively for people who went to private schools) was that problematic, if anything you wish you had came up with the idea yourself. It would have saved you so much time.

Problematic dating behaviour:

You once stopped talking to a potential Bumble date because you found out they went to a public school and you just knew it wasn't going to work out. You also pay more attention to the 'career' and 'job' bit of someone's dating profile than you do to their actual bio.

Aquarius - You're not great at commitment.

Aquarians crave independence and their own space, and while their free spirit nature is all well and good, this sometimes doesn't bode well for the people who are in relationships with them.

This isn't to say you can't commit, you just won't want to unless it's on your terms.

Problematic dating behaviour:

Some people have accused you of being cold and distant and you couldn't care less, unlike your Pisces or Cancer pals, you're just not one to word vomit your emotions to absolute strangers. Instead, you'd rather make them work for it.

Pisces - You don't text back.

Pisces can be accused of permanently floating on Cloud 9, much to the annoyance of everyone they encounter, but you get away with it thanks to your genuinely well-meaning and 'too pure for this earth' nature. You have the tendency to either respond to someone straight away or well... never.

Problematic dating behaviour:

You're always apologising for your consistently late replies. You admit, you can be a little bit spacey and seem to start all your messages with, "Sorry, it's taken me so long to get back to you *inserts 24 exclamation marks*, I'm literally the worst..." before launching into a five-paragraph spiel on what you ate for breakfast and how it's loosely linked to that three-minute conversation you had on your second date.

However when you're present, you're really present, it just takes a bit of wrangling to get your there.

Can you relate or do you feel personally attacked? Tell us in a comment below.

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