Beige flags. They're what so many people are talking about right now, comparing beige flags they've noticed in themselves, their partners, friends, or previous romantic relationships.
But HOLD UP... what in fact are beige flags? Are they better than red flags? Worse than green flags?
Why must there be so many flags!?
Given I'm someone that heard this phrase for the first time today in the office, I was immediately intrigued and began an investigation of sorts (very high brow I know).
What are beige flags?
According to my sources (i.e. the Internet), beige flags are an odd trait in someone that is not quite a deal breaker, but not exactly a plus either. Think of it as an odd quirk.
The idea of beige flags are now officially in the lexicon, considering chatter about them is booming across social media. You'll see videos online of people dissecting the beige flags they see in someone's dating profile, the beige flags that their colleague omits in the workplace — the examples go on.
Interestingly, 'flag experts' stress the point that beige flags are not exactly 'icks', rather are seen as idiosyncrasies.
Basically, we're all likely walking beige flags given each of us have a mountain of habits others might deem unusual.
But in defence of beige flags... they're entertaining to ponder over.
We decided to pose the question to 25 women — what is a big beige flag in their eyes, and why. Let's just say there were some very iconic answers.
Beige flag examples:
"I will always leave a sip or two of my drink left in my cup no matter what it is. My boyfriend hates it."
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