
Unless something drastically changes, Lizzo's story will not have a happy ending.

As soon as Lizzo stepped into the spotlight, the world made a snap decision about what her brand would be. 

Yes, fans loved her music, her style, and her distinctive wit, but at the same time, the loudest voices labelled her a fat activist, a body image spokesperson, or in the most brutal of cases, would send a barrage of criticism her way because of her body type.

This week those voices reached a new volume of vitriol when Lizzo logged onto her Twitter account only to be met by a series of comments about her body.

"I JUST logged on the app and this is the type of s**t I see about me on a daily basis," Lizzo wrote on Twitter, sharing a screenshot of a recent Tweet about her. 

The tweet Lizzo was referring to included a video of her performing, and read: "How is Lizzo still THIS fat when she's constantly moving this much on stage?! I wonder what she must be eating."

Lizzo then wrote: "Then someone in the comments said I eat 'lots of fast food'."

"I LITERALLY STOPPED EATING FAST FOOD YEARS AGO...," she posted. "I'm tired of explaining myself all the time and I just wanna get on this app w/out seeing my name in some bulls**t."

In a second tweet, Lizzo responded to another comment which read: "I don't think Lizzie wants to be smaller... yet... If she did, she would be. It's her brand."

To which Lizzo wrote in response: "This is what my body looks like even when I'm eating super clean and working out.

"I HATE IT HERE. Y'all don't know how close I be to giving up on everyone and quitting and enjoying my money and my man on a FUCKING FARM.

"ALSO: to the people who haven’t had an original thought or fresh air in years… BEING FAT ISN'T MY ‘BRAND’ BEING FAT IS WHAT MY BODY LOOKS THAT. THATS IT. THATS ALL. My ‘brand’ is FEEL GOOD MUSIC. My ‘brand’ is CHAMPIONING ALL PEOPLE. My ‘brand’ is BLACK GIRL LIBERATION."

For someone who has always led with their talent, being met with this constant rhetoric about her body this many years (and Grammy wins) into her career must be a bitter pill for the artist to swallow.

At the same time, there doesn't appear to be any end to this particular story cycle in sight. 

Listen to The Spill team discuss why when it comes to Lizzo, there is no happy ending. Post continues. 

There are many headlines floating around various corners of the internet this week proclaiming that Lizzo is preparing to quit the music industry for good following this latest round of comments about her body, but thankfully, that doesn't appear to be true. 

Lizzo posted a video to her Instagram feed following the Twitter comments, assuring her followers that she wasn't going to let a handful of Twitter trolls bring her down, before showing off the latest round of new pieces from her fashion label Yitty.

Yet while her video was a welcome sight, it doesn't dull the painful realisation that no matter how many awards she wins, how many albums she releases, or how immense her empire grows, the dominant headlines about her will always center on her body. 

Simply because she happens to exist in a body outside the mould of what the entertainment industry has always deemed to be the 'ultimate goal'.

And yet, this is not the most worrisome side to this story.

The other side to this recent round of backlash against Lizzo is that it's highlighted how isolated her place in the music industry has now become. 

As the next crop of performers, musicians, and actresses begin to appear in movie trailers, on the Spotify charts, and walking red carpets, it's hard not to notice that body diversity representation in the entertainment industry is moving backward instead of forwards.

Meaning that artists like Lizzo will continue to have their bodies labelled as their 'brands' against their will, simply because they are existing in a space that has traditionally not welcomed anyone who looks like them in the past.

The truth is that unless the inner workings of the entertainment industry begin to drastically change, which in turn will have a flow-on effect on how people view different bodies, the story around Lizzo's career and brand will not have a happy ending. 

At least not for the fans who are watching her work, music, and talent being filed solely under the label of 'fat'.

Laura Brodnik is Mamamia's Head of Entertainment and host of The Spill podcast. You can follow her on Instagram here.

Image: Getty.

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Top Comments

caz gibson a year ago 3 upvotes
Lizzo's body shape is a version of the kinds of body shapes that have existed for centuries. Check out the image of "The Venus of Willendorf" - a small statue of an unapologetic, rotund female with huge breasts. It seems to have been a fertility symbol.
This is what probably passed for sexy in earlier times.
We live in times where fear & vanity are used to control women.

maddiejunob a year ago 3 upvotes
Urgh. Humans on social media are the worst.

Lizzo is an F-ing gift from God! She is an amazing musician and performer. Who do the Haters and Concern Trolls think they are to have any standing to talk about her body? The narcissism of imagining the world needs to hear your opinion on a topic that is none of your business, and about which you almost certainly know next to nothing...

Humans ☹️