
'I got my colours done. It was nothing like I was expecting.'

Thanks to our brand partner, Clairol

For a birthday of mine, my mother gifted me perhaps the best present possible.

For two glorious hours, I sat down with an expert and got my colours done.

Now, what is that, you might be asking? Simply put, 'getting your colours done' involves colour analysis by a trained colour consultant. They sit down with you to figure out which tones and shades look best with your skin, hair and eyes.

As someone who loves all things beauty and fashion, this was an absolute dream.

Now, for a bit of context, I'd describe myself as someone with light skin, blue veins on my wrists, green/hazel eyes and naturally dark brown hair with golden undertones. With all this information, the personal stylist and colour consultant I saw stressed that hair is one of the most powerful aspects of colour theory.

When I had the analysis, my hair at the time was dyed very bronde and brassy... and it wasn't the vibe. Trust me.

Within two months, I had enough sense to dye it back to chocolate brown. And I've been loving my hair ever since. This is where Clairol's Professional Colour Studio came into play.

Image: Supplied. 


It's a new revolutionary 3-step program for visibly healthier coloured hair.

  • Step 1 is to prime for protecting any hair type. 
  • Step 2 is to colour for rich tones. 
  • Step 3 is to revitalise for lasting vibrancy, and this is done by regularly using the colour protect shampoo and conditioner.

I learned that it's inspired by in-salon systems — the Colour Studio approach doesn't treat colour like a one-day affair but as a journey. That stood out to me, as ultimately, I want my hair to look top-notch all the time.

The colour swatch I was given after my colour consultation. The chocolate brown colour in this swatch was what the expert recommended for my ideal hair colour. Image: Supplied.


The concept of using a primer before putting the colour on my hair was something that intrigued me.

I've dyed my hair a bunch of different ways over the years, and until recently, I'd never used a primer. Had I been missing out? It turns out... yes, I had been missing out big time.

Think of the primer as a pre-colour serum that helps prevent damage. The hair experts say that when metals are deposited on your hair with every wash — due to tiny particles in our tap water — these can cause damage to the hair while colouring.

Using the Clairol Prime Serum helped shield my hair from harmful metals during the colouring process, in turn protecting it from damage (yay). 

Plus, the primer meant the dye molecules would be able to penetrate my hair and ensure an even, longer-lasting result. And that's exactly what it provided. All it took was a 10 cent coin-sized amount of the primer smoothed through the mid-lengths to the ends of my hair prior to colour application.

Let me tell you — I'm thankful that colour consultant provided me with her expert advice. Because my hair has never looked or felt better. 

Now in terms of some other nuggets of golden wisdom I was given during this experience, the highlights included:

  • I am a 'summer' in terms of what seasonal colours look best for me. I keep the colour swatch handy that my consultant gifted me, often bringing it with me when I'm shopping in-store and online to remind me of what colours to opt for. 
  • A head-to-toe black outfit is too jarring for me.
  • I'm one of the rare winners who can wear either gold or silver jewellery based on my complexion, hair colour and eyes.
  • The colours for me to avoid generally include bright orange, deep purple, red, cobalt blue and black. Anything too warm in tone isn't best; a cooler-toned palette is the way to go.
  • Colours that I should embrace most are anything green, blue and pink. 

My colour consultant told me to opt for cooler tone colours in my wardrobe, and to go back to my naturally chocolate brown hair colour. Image: Supplied.


Would I recommend everyone go see a colour consultant? Absolutely!

Not only has the experience transformed my hair care routine, but it has helped me streamline my wardrobe, feel more creative in my outfits, and shop far more cleverly. I love to dress in colours that make me feel powerful, comfortable and, most importantly, happy.

There's a level of confidence money can't buy. And I thank a one-off colour theory session for that.

Shop Clairol's Professional Colour Studio at Priceline Pharmacy

Feature Image: Supplied.

Professional 3 Step Program for Visibly Healthier Coloured Hair Clairol Professional Colour Studio available at Priceline.