
Lotte Moss took high doses of Ozempic. Then she was hospitalised.

Lottie Moss is the latest celebrity to open up about her experience with Ozempic, warning her followers against the "seriously dangerous" drug caused her to be hospitalised.

The model, 26, who is the younger sister of supermodel Kate Moss, shared with her followers how she had taken the drug — a once-weekly injectable medication for Type 2 diabetes — for two weeks and "never felt so sick in my life."

Opening up about her "Ozempic hell", during a recent episode of her podcast, Dream On, she said: "A few months ago, I was not feeling happy about my weight," she shared. "I had a friend, and she could get it [Ozempic] for me."

"It was below board, from a doctor, but it wasn't like you go into a doctor's office and he prescribes it for you, takes your blood pressure, and takes tests, which is what you need when you go on something like Ozempic," she said.

Watch: Speaking of Kate Moss, here's her interview with Vogue. Post continues below.

Video credit: Vogue.

"At the end of the day it is a medication, it is dangerous and really meant for weight loss of people of a very large size. When I was taking it, the amount that I was taking was meant for people who are 100 kilos and over."

Moss said she started off by taking a low dosage of the drug, which is usually injected once weekly for four weeks. However, the model revealed she soon began taking a higher dose.


"It made me feel so nauseous. I took it for two weeks. It comes with a pen and different doses, you take one injection one week, one injection the next week and you take every week, and I've never felt sicker in my life."

"I was throwing up, it was horrible. I took a lower dosage the first time I took it then I went up higher. I ended up being in bed for two days, felt so sick, my weight had dropped. When I was in bed for those two days and it was at the end of it and I just wanted to come off it, because it's not like you can stopping taking it, it's not like a pill that you don't take when you wake up in the morning, it's in your system and it's there."

"I felt so sick one day I said to my friend, "I can't keep any water down, I can't keep any food down, no liquids, nothing. I need to go to hospital, I feel really sick."'

After ending up in emergency, Moss said she experienced a seizure due to dehydration. "My face was clenching up, my whole body was tense — it was so weird. Your hands clench up and you can't move them and it feels like you're going to break your hand."

"It was honestly one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me in my life," she said. "I would rather die any day than take it again."

In just two weeks, Moss said she had dropped seven kilos. "That's not a healthy weight loss, that's not a healthy drop," she said.

"It's these small things I wish I'd known before taking it. But I took it, you inject it into your leg, and it was the worst decision I ever made. This is a warning to everyone. Please, if you're thinking of taking it, do not take it, it's so not worth it."

"I get that, in the media, everyone and all these celebrities are on it right now. And it's so hard to look at that and see these dramatic weight losses, especially for people with eating disorders and problems with eating. It's so hard to see that when maybe you're not someone who drops weight quickly or you're struggling with recovering."


"This should not be a trend right now," Moss continues. "Where did the body positivity go?"

However, Moss isn't the only celebrity who has talked about the negative side effects of the drug.

Sharon Osbourne also recently shared her experience on Bill Maher's podcast, Club Random, where she talked about feeling constantly nauseous.

She said, "You have a weight problem and you've tried everything, and then somebody says take this injection and you're going to be skinny."

"For me, the first few weeks was f**king s**t because you just throw up all the time. You feel so nauseous," she shared. "After a couple of weeks, it goes."

Amy Schumer also recently spoke about taking the drug on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, sharing that it made her so sick she had to stop taking it.

"I couldn't play with my son," she said. "I was so skinny and he's throwing a ball at me and I couldn't."

Schumer also talked about other celebrities who refuse to admit they are on the drug, telling viewers the drastic changes they see are more than people "eating smaller portions".

"You are on Ozempic or one of those things or you got work done. Just stop. Be real with the people. When I got lipo, I said I got lipo," she said.

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