
What Karl Stefanovic said to Georgie Gardner after his Uber conversation was leaked.


The professional relationship between former Today co-hosts Karl Stefanovic and Georgie Gardner has long been fraught with media scrutiny and speculation.

Even weeks on from the program’s new line-up premiere, fans have never stopped wondering what really went on behind the scenes – particularly in the aftermath of “Ubergate” in March last year, when Karl was overheard talking about his co-host while on the phone to his brother Peter Stefanovic by a ride-share driver.

According to the driver, Karl had vented his frustration at new Today co-host Gardner, who he accused of “sitting on the fence” and not having enough opinions. The driver claims Karl became angry as he declared that she needed to “step up” if she “wanted to stay on the show.”

This, of course, fuelled the relentless interest in Karl and Georgie’s working relationship.

But when asked about the comments in an interview with Stellar magazine, Georgie says they didn’t get to her, nor did they affect her friendship with Karl.

“I pride myself on being measured, considering my responses and not shooting from the hip, so to be accused of being a fence-sitter didn’t offend me at all,” she told the publication.

The Today Show says goodbye to Karl Stefanovic. Post continues after video.

Immediately after the incident, she recalls how Karl had come to see her, “mortified and apologising profusely”.

During the damage-control conversation, Georgie told him her biggest problem was that he hadn’t told her to her face, keeping their pre-arranged promise to communicate any problems with each other.

While Georgie insists they maintained a “very solid friendship” – even after Ubergate, eyebrows were again raised when she didn’t attend his wedding to Jasmine Yarbrough in Mexico last December.

But the explanation is simple. Georgie was already heading overseas with her family, and “wasn’t in a position” to do both.

“(Instead) the four of us went out and had a lovely lunch and I gave him a wedding gift of a cheese knife, handmade by a friend. I think I said in the card, ‘Enjoy using this with the best cheese you can find because I believe all problems can be solved over a cheese platter’,” she told Stellar.

Contrary to what some media reports would have us believe, Georgie never held any resentment towards Karl. But the never-ending rhetoric surrounding it, she says, was too “tantalising” a narrative for anyone to seek out the truth.


Georgie, whose new co-host Deb Knight joined the Today panel following Karl’s shafting from the network, says she’s aware of the challenges ahead for the new team which also includes former Triple J newsreader Brooke Boney, Tom Steinfort and Tony Jones.

Knight said she’s excited to be part of the network’s seemingly new direction, having a female-heavy presenting panel.

But the program’s new-look hasn’t come without its cruel feedback – feedback which Georgie is choosing not to dwell on.

“Some are just nasty and derogatory,” she says of the criticism, “‘Are you going to have segments on tampons next?’ and ‘You must hate men.’ I’m choosing to put that to one side and focus on all the wonderful positives.”


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Top Comments

Shannon 6 years ago

The today show is so boring now with a practically all female line up. The chemistry between Karl, dickie and Silvia will be hard to replace. I wasn’t a fan of Karl at all but the friendly banter is lacking. Sorry to say I don’t watch the Today Show anymore. As much as it kills me Kochie is on my tv in the morning now.

Rush 6 years ago

Sometimes I think being a ‘fence sitter’ is a bit underrated. I don’t think seeing both sides of an argument is a bad thing, especially in complicated situations. In fact, I think looking at things from the other side is something we should all do more of in life. On TV (and in other media) though, I suppose there is less room for nuance. You get more attention if you say something outrageous and opinionated, that’s why people like Steve Price and Alan Jones have jobs.