
WATCH: This is the best Christmas ad. Ever.

It seems that silly season is well and truly upon us with all it’s tinsel-wrapped, bauble-encrusted glory.

And that also means you’ve probably been subjected to a string of bad Christmas ads, videos and memes to try and make you feel festive – when all they really make you do is want to pull out your own hair.

But, in the true spirit of Christmas, the folks at US pet food company FreshPet have served up the goods when it comes to holiday happiness with an ad that takes the proverbial pudding.

In what can only be described as the most entertaining dinner party ever, the company decided to host a table of cats and dogs from an animal refuge and lend a helping hand to get the merriment rolling.

And the result is hilarious (you may even recognise a few of your rellies – or yourself – in these pooches).

There’s a bit of mistletoe…

A fair amount of drinking…

And a whole lot of chilling out…

Don’t believe us? Take a look for yourself…

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Angel 10 years ago

Thank you! Laughed out loud!!!!!