
"I'm definitely not going hungry." What the meals in hotel quarantine are really like.


Like many Australians, Nik Loukas is currently spending his days in hotel quarantine after returning from his trip to Corfu, Greece. Now, two days into his mandatory 14-day isolation period, Nick says he’s pretty impressed with his new hotel life and the food he’s been given.

“So far my experience has been great… I’m definitely not going hungry,” Nik told Mamamia. 

And he should know. The 40-year-old is a frequent traveller, who flies around the world reviewing airline food for his 30,000 followers on his Inflight Feed Instagram account.

Now, with his travel plans temporarily put on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions, Nick has given his followers a glimpse into what hotel quarantine food is really like.

“The food is delivered daily, some of it is not the healthiest, but I can choose not to eat it, and just stick to the healthier items,” said Nik, who is currently staying at the Crown Promenade in Melbourne.

So far, Nik’s free hotel meals haven’t been particularly fancy, but they do come with a Mars Bar and a piece of fruit on the side.

And Nik certainly isn't complaining.

"I don’t have to pay for it, cook it, wash plates, or contemplate going to a supermarket, which was a bit of a nightmare in Greece!"

While the meals look a bit like airline food, Nik says they're much better than the food you would normally get served on a flight.

"They really do provide massive amounts of snacks and food for each meal," he said.

Nik also has the option to order food and drink from the hotel menu, at his own cost.

"I could order something more deluxe from Crown Restaurants such as a Crown Towers burger, vegetable curry and pasta dishes, these are at an additional cost, but it might be nice to break things up a bit midway through the quarantine," he said.

"What’s great is the fact that if you did have any dietary requirements, you can order from UberEats and be reimbursed. I think that’s a fantastic service for those who have religious or dietary or lifestyle needs."

He also has unlimited access to any of the non-alcoholic drinks in the hotel mini-bar. But he can always order beer and wine if he feels like something a bit stronger.

Nik was even dropped a care package full of snacks from his brother and his wife.

Besides the meals, Nik says quarantine life hasn't been all that bad and he's trying to stick to a daily routine to pass the time.

"At the moment I’m still jet-lagged, so I’m waking up around 5:30am. I have a skipping rope with me, and a step. I’ll then shower and then it’s normally time for breakfast which is delivered around 7:30am onwards."

"I’m still doing a bit of work here and there, so I will jump on the laptop, catch up on emails, currently I’m editing my video of the entire trip home, as I documented the process," he said.

"Friends and family call often, lots of FaceTime chats, and before I know it, it’s time for dinner. I’ll exercise a bit more in the evening, and then do more FaceTime, and sleep."

There are also strict rules about leaving the hotel room, with all outings required to be supervised.

"I was notified last night that I will be allowed out for fresh air twice before I leave," Nick explained.

Despite the rules and regulations, Nik says he's trying to focus on the positives and get through the next two weeks in isolation.

"Sure, it’s not nice being cooped up in a room for 14 days, but it’s a very small amount of time in our lives, and we have to do it for ourselves and the entire community. There are bound to be some issues arise, mistakes, meals you don’t like, or rules that just suck," he said.

"I’m thankful to the Australian government for this, I feel very lucky."

To protect yourself and the community from COVID-19, keep at least 1.5 metres away from other people, regularly wash your hands and avoid touching your face.
If you are sick and believe you have symptoms of COVID-19, call your GP ahead of time to book an appointment. Or call the national Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice on 1800 020 080. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 000.

To keep up to date with the latest information, please visit the Department of Health website.

Feature Image: Supplied/Instagram @inflightfeed

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Top Comments

BM 4 years ago 1 upvotes
My kids and I have just come out of 14 days of quarantine in a different hotel.

I am glad for Nik that he got such a range of good quality food.

I can tell you categorically that we didn’t. We didn’t have a mini bar like that available to us, though there was tea and coffee available. We never received any cold drinks, only the occasional snack and wildly inconsistent food portions. Some days there was huge amounts and other days there was literally about one third of the amount of food, and never as much as I see in Nik’s photo. The hotel menu wasn’t available to us, though we were very blessed to have great care packages made for us and were able to get food delivered (which, in fact, the nurses who call to check how you’re going did encourage). The range of food was pretty limited e.g. you might get the same paprika chicken several days in a row, in slightly different forms. Likewise, scrambled eggs was sent 5 days in a row before we then got cereal 4 days in a row. They didn’t understand what lactose free means, so I would receive a different meal from my kids or the same meal without a bread roll as though I was gluten free. Sometimes this meant I would be given a small salad with no bread and no alternative. Thebiggest issue was that it didn’t seem well planned - huge inconsistencies in portions, a lack of planning of what got brought when. The food in itself was usually fine, but more planning. Would make a big difference. THe hotel staff and medical staff were very helpful and kind. Where only three portions of food were brought rather than four, they would have more food brought up and were very apologetic.

To be clear, I am not complaining - the hotel room was very nice, the staff were excellent, the deliveries were really helpful and the food itself wasn’t all bad, but better planning and more careful execution would have made a big difference. We were fine there and I haven’t been going around complaining to anyone - if anything, I’ve been saying it wasn’t as bad as I feared. But...what Nik shows above is only one example of what happens in the quarantine. Our experience was quite different.

jadebleese 4 years ago 1 upvotes
It is refreshing to hear honest appreciation from someone in hotel quarantine. I would be stoked getting little meal packs like that delivered each day, and yes there is plenty there to pick and choose what you want to eat. Whoever has put the meals together has put thought into it and the Mars bar at every meal is hilarious.
redballoon 4 years ago
Sadly not everyone shares his positive experience.