
This clip is the ultimate plus-sized girl's revenge.



Is this the most  ***Flawless,  film clip recreation ever?

Yes, yes it is.

This body-positive take on Beyoncé’s hit ‘Flawless’  was the brainchild of plus-sized fashion blogger Gabi Gregg.

“As a fat woman of color, I’m often treated differently than my thin, white peers. By brands, by fellow bloggers, by the media… I get passed over for things I’m more than qualified for,” Gabi says.

“I get stares and cold shoulders at fashion events. I hear whispers. I get hate mail and trolling comments from people who call me disgusting and say I shouldn’t be allowed in public,” she says.

“Like Bey, I usually just brush these people off, and I never give them power by addressing them here or anywhere else. But it gets tiring, and sometimes I’m really tempted to drop the lady-like thing and just kind of…go off. So when I heard Beyonce telling her haters to Bow Down in the song ***Flawless, I immediately fell in love.”

Which is just about the best explanation for “Why I made a video-clip” we’ve ever heard. Take it away Gabi.

[vimeo 94364919 w=500 h=281]


Are there any other body-positive video clip covers we need to know about?

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Top Comments

Suminy6 10 years ago

Candy C, hard to imagine these Gals are getting pats on the back from anyone other than young women in the same situation & their supporters. And everyone deserves to feel included & supported on their personal journey.

In terms of equality, and in the marketplace where young women are just commodities- it's great there is also a place for obese young ladies to caress their breast publicly & share their seductive gyrations in a bid to garner sexualised attention-just as slim young women do.

I prefer not to encourage & observe either.
Good luck on the journeying to all the lovely young women, finding your sense of empowerment & place in society.

CandyC 10 years ago

I won't ever understand how someone can enjoy being overweight or obese. Not only is it unattractive (to most people) it is unhealthy and lugging around all that extra weight is certainly difficult on the person themselves. There is a huge difference between 'thick' or 'curvy' to being fat and obese.

Bullying is never the solution and in most actually makes the problem worse. However people shouldn't be giving these women pats on the backs for being fat, they should encourage them to have self-respect and look after their bodies more. For the life of me I won't ever understand how being fat is something to celebrate but whatever.