
The dry skin diaries: 8 women share their hacks for healthy winter skin.

Thanks to our brand partner, Cetaphil

During winter, it's not only colder weather and darker, drearier mornings we have to contend with.

We also have our skin to worry about.

Winter weather can wreak havoc, sucking moisture from the skin, leaving it dry, dull and flaky - and don't even get us started on chapped lips.

Even when we escape the cold for the warmth of our home or the office, our skin faces yet another challenge - we're looking at you, harsh indoor heating!

Luckily, here at Mamamia, we've become kind-of experts at dealing with winter skin issues. Here, eight women of varying ages and lifestyles, share the skin-saving hacks they swear by.

Lily, 26

"A few months ago I felt like my skin was really drying out and I couldn't figure out why. Since then, I've started to pay more attention to my nightly skincare routine and it's been a life saver for dry winter skin. Every night after a shower I apply serums, followed by a face oil and lock in the goodness with a thick coat of moisturiser. I go to bed looking super shiny but wake up with such nice hydrated and plump skin. I also LOVE Carmex lip balm for keeping my lips soft and always have it on my desk at work."

Lily loves Carmex lip balm for keeping her lips soft. Image: Supplied. 

Vickie, 41

"I'm a busy mum of two and a personal trainer. Up until recently, I was training clients outdoors due to the gyms being closed because of coronavirus. Even early in the morning in the dark, I made sure I applied SPF50 to my skin. Another failsafe tip from me is to get eight hours sleep a night - I always wake up looking fresh when I do."

Melody, 29

"I developed a skin condition a couple of years ago (an unwelcome surprise for me) and ever since, my skin gets really dry in winter. I find that I need a more intensive moisturiser otherwise my skin can get dry and itchy. 

"After trialling a few different products recommended for very dry skin, I've found Cetaphil's Moisturising Cream in particular (although I have pretty much all the versions) has been a lifesaver for my skin. It doesn't feel greasy at all to apply and as soon as I put it on, I can feel and see it hydrating my skin instantly. I now swear by it for winter especially as the cold makes my skin extra dry. Best of all, it's so cheap which is great for me as I get through it quickly because I slather it on every day."

Cetaphil Moisturising Cream can be used on both face and body. Image: Supplied. 

Polly, 35

"As I've got older, I've developed dry and sensitive skin. I used to use hundreds of different products to try to improve things, but now I have realised less is more, especially in winter. I use a gentle cleanser and moisturiser, avoid products that contain soap and try not to sit in the heating or stand in the hot shower too long."

Clare, 29

"So I love sitting almost ON TOP OF the heater, with my laptop or a book, but after months of doing that, I've realised the toll it takes on my skin. It gets so dry and literally flakes off. So now I'm conscious of when I have a heater on, make sure to spend plenty of time outside, and try to find other ways to keep warm - like a hot water bottle."

Clare tries to avoid harsh indoor heating. Image: Supplied.

Sam, 32

"In winter, my skin completely dries out, which can also lead to breakouts so that doesn't make me feel great. So for me, drinking a minimum of two litres of water per day is a non-negotiable. It not only helps hydrate my skin but it actually helps me to feel fresh through winter when I can often find myself getting lethargic from heaters, jumpers and warm drinks."

Sam drinks plenty of water to keep her skin hydrated. Image: Supplied.

Maddie, 26

"Throughout winter, I use a silk pillowcase. It absorbs less of your skincare than regular cotton pillow cases do. Also, some cottons can be a bit rough on the skin and cause tiny abrasions, like roughing up the surface of the skin at a cellular level. It feels so nice to sleep on and I also wake up with less tangles in my hair."

Lara, 47

"I get extremely dry skin all year round, but it's especially bad in winter. One thing I have found really helps is shorter, cooler showers. As much as it's tempting to stand under the hot jets for ages after a day out in the freezing cold, I know that dries out my skin. So I'm in and out, then I moisturise while my skin is still wet to lock the moisture in."

What do you do in winter to avoid the dry skin woes?

Clinically proven to support sensitive skin, the Cetaphil range will complete your skincare routine. Cetaphil's non-greasy and fragrance-free moisturiser is your everyday hero that your face and body can count on for care and nourishment during the winter months. Simple and effective skincare you can rely on. You can find Cetaphil in your local Supermarket, Chemist Warehouse, or Priceline.

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