
22 things that became obsolete this decade.

Remember getting photos developed? How about waiting at your computer for the modem to connect to dial-up internet access? That noise it made? What about watching videos on your VHS recorder? Buying SINGLES? Since the year 2000 new and developing technology has changed the way we live, our methods of communicating and many things we previously used on a daily basis have now become obsolete.

Check out our gallery below for a quick blast from the past……

What became obsolete in YOUR life in the last decade? Midriff tops? Your virginity? Your marriage? Nappies?

[Idea via the Huffington Post images sourced by Mamamia]

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JDonahue79 14 years ago

Well, a few things that could become obsolete within the NEXT 10 years:

Desktop PCs- The only thing that we could do on a desktop PCs that we can't do with an iPhone is...well... if iPads becomes PC-smart, then desktop PCs is becomming a big clunky box. That, along with your desk and monitor. Practically, tablet PCs could become the next thing used to play games, edit videos, write documents, surf the Internet, etc.

Buying/renting a game- With the advent of Sony and Microsoft releasing some software that lets you create stuff, and consumers eager to create, and Little Big Planet, the way we receive video games via Playstation Network or from a store will go the way of the Arcade. We can just pay 99 cents for a virtual action figure, create some landscapes with powerful software, and you have blanket licenses from "component" distributers. Hey, we have about 1,000 games in your retail store, but in this setup, man, there's an infinite number of games online that's almost free of charge. The best game of 2020 is not a game, but software that creates games.

Patrolium Powered Vehicles- Well...not entirely, but rising gas prices causes people to ditch gasoline with either electric/hydro-power cars, while farmers trade in their tracters and revert back to horses and mules.

MBK's Mum 14 years ago

Am I the only one who doesn't even own a mobile phone? Can't stand them, I know, if I got one, then I'd forevermore be dependant on it so best left alone - an expense I can do without. Landline or nothing for me. I think mobiles have a tendency to make otherwise polite people rude without thinking.

I adore my cookbooks, and I don't care how many great recipes there are online, it is just not the same as settling in with a few books to flick through, I desperately don't want cookbooks, or books of any kind for that matter, to be obsolete. I can accept, I suppose the decline of the encyclopaedia, that's understandable, but please, eBooks remain an option, not the be all.

I still have an answering machine.

I love to write and receive hand written mail, true it's a rarity, but somehow that makes it more precious.

K, and I am all embracing of digital cameras! I love that I can take shot after shot (kids, animals, even cooking creations) and it doesn't matter how many are dodgy as long as there is one good one. I did like the sound of my old analogue camera though...

Re classifieds: My youngest is still only two years old, and we absolutely put a notice in the paper - are people not doing this any longer?