
Constance Hall has called out an Aussie brand for stealing her 'vibe' in a new campaign.


Constance Hall has just called out Aussie underwear brand Bonds for a few striking similarities in their most recent campaign , ‘Join the Queendom’.

And we can see her point.

The video follows three warrior ‘Queens’ into the Australian bush and their ‘warrior woman’ looks bear a striking resemblance to the vibe fans have come to recognise as Constance’s hippie-influenced, bohemian, girl-boss-in-a-flower-crown aesthetic.

‘Queens’ also happens to be the name Constance has given her community, with her books Like a Queen and Still a Queen, following the trend.

You can watch Bonds’ latest ‘Join the Queendom’ campaign here.

Naturally, she attacked the problem head on by penning an open letter to the company on her Instagram.

“Dear Bonds,” she began. “You completely forgot to ask me to model in your new Queendom campaign?? So f**king weird man, I even checked my junk emails..

“I’m getting slammed with messages from Queens wanting to know why the hell my vibe is all over bonds but I’m not… I’ve forgiven you. I don’t hold grudges and I’m too old to waste time with feelings of rejection.

“I suppose I’m never actually going to be an underwear model.”

However, she’s worked out a compromise – and even offered to throw in some free labour, should they co-operate.

Constance challenged Bonds to follow suit with her own label, Queen the Label, which donates $1 from each purchase to the charity Rafiki Mwema and supports girls who have been sexually abused in Kenya.

“My brand Queen The Label supports the real Queens of this world – sexually abused young kids in Kenya through the world’s most kick arse charity,” she wrote, adding in the hashtag – #bondsforrafiki.

“How about your Queendom campaign does the same?

“I’ll even throw in some free modelling for you?”

Since throwing down the gauntlet, Bonds have responded and replied to her Instagram message:

“Hellooo Queen Constance!

Thanks for reaching out. It’s always lovely to meet a fellow queen and we commend the work you’re doing to bring attention to Rafiki Mwema. We’ve loved seeing women all across the world championing the ‘queen’ movement, including Queen ???? herself. To this we say – the more the merrier!

We’re massively excited/passionate/proud of our Bonds Originals campaign set within the iconic Aussie landscape, which is all about inclusivity, empowering women, and – perhaps most importantly – women supporting women. We’re also privileged to be able to use our position to help young Aussies via our partnership with REACH.

In fact, on August 11th 100 per cent of profits sold from our Originals undies will go towards funding more life-changing Birdcage workshops for young women, tackling self-esteem, body image and confidence.

We’d also like to take a moment to celebrate the many Australian women involved in this campaign, who dedicated their time, flexed their creative muscles ????, and contributed their artistry – from directing our chick flick, to acting in their undies and illustrating our queens. These women all share the same love and passion for the Queendom. Let’s be stronger together, what do you think?

Love, Bonds x”

We’re interested to see where this goes.

What do you think of Bonds’ latest campaign? Do you think it was too close for comfort? Tell us in a comment.

Constance Hall appears on Mamamia’s No Filter with Mia Freedman and her words were fascinating.

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Top Comments

Anonymousqld123 6 years ago

Don’t really understand the Constance Hall love . Don’t get it at all. Don’t think she has the monopoly on all things “Queen”.

Rach 6 years ago

You're all COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT....the font style is a copy, the dress style, hair style, pose style, working for female empowerment charity, creative style....basically everything is a copy, even some of the sentences are exactly the same as Cinstance has written previously.
Its not about using the word "Queen", its about over all ideal and artistic plagiarism across the entire campain.
Bonds would have sued Constance for this if the shoe was on the other foot.

Also, the only thing Constance wants from this is for Bonds to admit the copy cat antic and donate to her charity - nothing more.
Bonds has clearly recognized her teams success and done a copy. Using charity and female empowerment as a marketing ploy - not because they actually care.
Bonds has put a $10,000 capp on their 100% of profits donation on August 11.
That to me says its all for PR and money.

Guest 6 years ago

Yep, because Constance Hall isn't about PR and money.

Funbun 6 years ago

And Constance does it for the love of it, not the PR and money?