
Rebecca Gibney just made Australian TV history. But it was this moment that made her (and us) cry.

Rebecca Gibney was just inducted into the TV WEEK Logie Awards Hall of Fame at the 2024 Logies, becoming one of just four women to be honoured since the award was established in 1984.

"I'm so overwhelmed," a tearful Rebecca told the Logies crowd as she accepted her award, following a speech from her son Zachary Edison Bell.

He gave a heartfelt speech to his mother that left the audience (and viewers at home) emotional wrecks.

"I do know her name means a lot to other people," Zachary said. "To some, she's an amazing actor. To others, a great friend, a co-worker, a daughter, a sister and a wife. A hardworking, honest, kind and caring soul. I feel so lucky to have been raised by someone with so much love to give, and be guided through life watching her show so much kindness to everyone that she meets.

"So many people love Rebecca Gibney, the actor. I will always love her as the kindest, most-loving mum anyone could ask for."

Rebecca was wiping away tears as she took to the stage.

"My son. Oh my god. I was kind of okay until you came out. Thank you so much. I've got a speech," she told the audience.

"I don't know if I can get through it. Just bear with me. Thank you so much to TV WEEK for this incredible honour. If someone had told 16-year-old me, who suffered crippling anxiety and severe body dysmorphia, that one day I would be standing on the stage with this award, she wouldn't have believed it.

Rebecca's speech was powerful. Image: Channel Seven.


"Thank you firstly to the Australian public. Many have grown up with me and have supported me since the early days, and, like me, think 1984 was only 20 years ago. Thank you to the writers who have created the most wonderful characters for me to inhabit. Among them, Roger Simpson for Jane Halifax, Bevan Lee for Julie Rafter. To the brilliant actors that I have shared the screen with, so many — Georgie Parker, Kerry Armstrong — have become my dearest friends.

"No actor receives an award by themselves. There is no Lola without Chelsea, no Julie without Dave. And I am very aware that I wouldn't be standing here without any of them. To every single member of every single crew that has shown me kindness and reminded me daily that we are all spokes in a wheel, and none of us could do our job without the other.

"It was on the set of The Flying Doctors where I learnt one of my biggest lessons from the legendary late great actor Maurie Fields. I asked him one day, 'What's the secret of success in this business?' he said, and I quote, 'It's pretty simple, love. Just show up on time, know your lines, and don't be a dick.' It's a motto that I've taken on to every job ever since.

"Thank you to my work cheer squad, my wonderful agents, who have had to become therapists for the times when I didn't get the job, to the times when I did and I was terrified. You have guided and supported me for many years.

"To my family... okay, I'm not going to get through this. The man I met on the set of Halifax, he was production designer at the time, Richard Bell, thank you for always asking the question every time a job comes up: 'Will it make you happy? Will it bring you joy? Well, then, you have to do it.' And for sacrificing his own work on so many occasions so that I could. You have been my rock and my love for nearly a quarter of a century and I'm so grateful for that. Okay, I'm nearly finished. 

"To my son Zac, who continues to bring me the best kind of joy, I am so proud of you. I'm so proud of the kind, gentle, ridiculously talented individual you are. Thank you for teaching me how to be a good mum. I love you beyond words.


Rebecca's son Zac gave a moving tribute to his mother. Image: Channel Seven.

"And to the Gibney family: my brothers Michael and Patrick, my sisters Teresa, Diana and Stella, who's here, and my beautiful mum Shirley, Mama Shirl, who will be so proud that I'm standing on the stage, my mother overcame the most traumatic childhood and raised six children pretty much single-handedly and often under terrible circumstances. 

"She taught us the most important thing in life is forgiveness, kindness and respect. That you can be anything you want in this world; [and to] make sure you treat people the way you wish to be treated. 

"I have been so fortunate to have been guided and supported by some incredible visionary women on this journey. From my mother, to my first agent, to the many female producers, directors, fellow actors and crew who have encouraged me behind the scenes, and I am very proud to be one of only four women to have ever been inducted into the Hall of Fame. But I know that there are many more to come. So thank you so much."

Does anyone have any tissues?

Feature Image: Getty.

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