
Mamamia Investigates: We have questions around the use of character references in court cases.

Content warning: This story includes mentions of child sexual abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault that may be distressing to some readers.

A character reference.

It's a simple piece of paper that plays a crucial role in our justice system and offers those on trial the opportunity to argue they are a person normally of sound character. We've seen it play out in the Danny Masterson case recently, when his co-stars Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis wrote character references for a man convicted of rape. 

But for many victim-survivors, they say it can feel like a "kick in the guts" to watch someone vouch for a convicted perpetrator. And they say it can hurt even more if that character reference plays a mitigating role in a reduced sentence length for the perpetrator.

One recent court case shone a light on the use of character references.

It was regarding the charges against Jeffrey "Joffa" Corfe, often known as the 'Collingwood superfan' in the media. 

Corfe pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a then 14-year-old boy in 2005. In late February, he was sentenced to a 12-month jail term, but it was wholly suspended for two years. This means he avoided prison, but if he steps out of line in the next two years, he risks being locked up. 

He will be a registered sex offender for 15 years.

Watch: Breaking the silence — reporting historical sexual assault. Post continues below. 

The judge said the sentence handed down was partly influenced by character references Corfe's legal team had used in court proceedings. He said the "powerful testimonials" had highlighted Corfe's "lifelong, genuine commitment to helping others" - in turn leading to the lighter sentence.

One of the references was written by a former fundraising general manager of a well-known foundation. The man wrote the reference for Corfe years prior, unaware it would later be used to help Corfe avoid jail time in a child sexual abuse case. 

This general manager has since expressed his frustration over the reference being used in court without his knowledge, telling 9News: "It is really shocking".

Sifting through a series of recent and highly publicised cases, it becomes clear how frequently character references are used by courts.  

A former lecturer at Deakin University pleaded guilty to murdering his wife Chen Cheng in 2022. Character references were read out to the judge at his pre-sentencing hearing last month. 

In a legal case for the late Cardinal George Pell, former Prime Minister John Howard provided a character reference, saying the cardinal was "a person of both high intelligence and exemplary character". 

Tasmanian paedophile, John Wayne Millwood, pleaded guilty to historic child sexual abuse in 2016.

His friends and colleagues told a court the former businessman was "honest, reliable and trustworthy" and "ethical at all times" - reportedly hoping to reduce the paedophile's eventual jail sentence.

The victim of Millwood's crime soon after wrote to Tasmania's Premier, asking that "good character" referee evidence no longer be admitted as a mitigating factor in sentencing child sex offenders. 

These examples are not isolated.

For survivor-advocate and Director of Advocacy at RASARA, Saxon Mullins, she says it's a nuanced conversation.

"It's kind of complicated. From a legal sense, I think people understand the reason for it. If we are going to use character references, I think it is important that it's pointed out to the jury or the judge that just because there are great character references from friends who say 'this person is great', we still have all of this evidence to say that [a great character reference] is kind of irrelevant," she tells Mamamia.

"In my case at sentencing for the first trial where this person had been found guilty, the character reference said: 'Oh he's not the type of person who could do this'. What's the purpose of saying that? Are we trying to discredit what the survivor said happened?"

As Saxon notes, perpetrators of sexual and domestic violence can be very duplicitous. To friends and work colleagues, they can be completely different to the person they are behind closed doors. 

It's also important for the victim-survivor's wellbeing to be front of mind in how character references are presented in court. 

"When you go to testify as a survivor of sexual violence, you don't get afforded the same opportunity to defend your character. I was called a liar. I was told that I had made this up. I didn't get to give a glowing reference from my friends of 20 years to say that I'm not a liar."

Kathleen Maltzahn is the CEO of Sexual Assault Services Victoria, the peak body for Victoria's specialist sexual assault and harmful sexual behaviour services. 

"Character references clearly have a role in the justice system. But where people have committed serious sexual offences, that speaks more to their character than anything else they've done in the community," Maltzahn says to Mamamia

"And we have to believe what people have been found guilty of and not treat serious violent offences as somehow an aberration from an otherwise good and virtuous person."

This conversation isn't only happening in Australia, but in Northern Ireland too.

There has been a petition making headlines over in Northern Ireland, calling to stop the use of 'good character' references during rape trials.

The petition was launched by Rape Crisis Northern Ireland. 

"In my view, good character references in rape trials should be a thing of the past and no longer have a place in our courts," a justice spokesperson said to the Belfast Telegraph.

"We need a justice system with victims firmly at its centre and these character references can often be re-traumatising for those individuals who have come forward to report these heinous crimes."

Some Irish judges have suggested that anyone who wishes to provide a character reference to the court for a convicted offender should be in court and available for cross-examination.

As the CEO of Sexual Assault Services Victoria, Maltzahn notes that although we've been having conversations about violence against women and children for decades, there appears to be a shift in community consciousness.

With this in mind, while legal reform and conversations about character references are important, the experts say that long-term change will come via education.

"No one is born with bad character. We need to bring up our boys in particular to understand consent and show them that men are held accountable," Kathleen says. "We need to prevent sexual assault, as well as improving our response when it occurs."

It's a sentiment lawyer Mia Madafferi wholeheartedly agrees with. 

"I think with everything that is happening each and every day, all the advocacy and voices being championed, we need to continue to educate not only the community but our judges and magistrates about what consent, domestic violence, coercive control and trauma looks like," she explains.

"No doubt, it feels like we're moving at a snail's pace, but progress is being made. And the fact we're even discussing the relevance of character references in court cases involving sexual assault and domestic violence for example, is a testament to that."

This article was originally published in April 2023, and has since been updated with new information.

If this has raised any issues for you, or if you just feel like you need to speak to someone, please call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) – the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service.

If this brings up any issues for you, contact Bravehearts, an organisation dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse, on 1800 272 831.

Feature Image: Getty/Mamamia.

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Top Comments

jonr a year ago
For sure our legal system around sexual assault/violence needs to change in numerous ways. As 'a witness for the prosecution', the victim/survivor has very limited voice in our criminal justice system, is subject to further abuse by the defense & not trauma-informed (more voice, better treated & lower bar in civil court). However, as pointed out in the AIFS research, "What is the justice system willing to offer?" 'Justice' for victims/survivors is often more than a criminal conviction (which in our system is rare in any case)
We need a justice system that aims for fewer victims, supports & compensates victims/survivors, holds offenders to account incl compensation/service to the community & rehabilitates offenders. Our punitive system doesn't cater well to the needs of victims/survivors.

 Character references should really only speak to the possibility of the offender's ownership of their offense/s, their offer of compensation to the victim/survivor and/or society & commitments to rehabilitation.  Some sort of restorative Justice approach may be useful for some. 

laura__palmer a year ago 3 upvotes
It's crazy that the testimony of someone who only ever saw one side of the perp, and especially one that was written before the charges were laid is given any consideration at all. 
If a man is a rapist and has raped several women, why is the word of his male friends worth anything? He's not a threat to them, they wouldn't have seen that side of him. 
hermione a year ago 4 upvotes
I think sentencing should be based on the crime, not your mate’s opinion of you or how many friends you have.

If two people commit the same crime but one has lots of friends willing to write a reference and the other doesn’t, how does that change anything about the punishment they deserve? 
laura__palmer a year ago 1 upvotes
@hermione Exactly. I fail to see how it is at all relevant to the crime or what the punishment should be. It just blurs the lines and, as you've pointed out, turns it into a popularity contest