
The 'best bogan baby names' of 2016 are here.


In 2014, parenting website Kidspot became a hot topic across Australia when they compiled a list of ‘the best bogan baby names’.

For those who need a refresher, Urban Dictionary defines the term bogan as, “A fascinating beast. The majority of the species are hideously repugnant and unintelligent, and yet they manage to breed in ever-increasing numbers and populate an area known as the outer west.”

As you can imagine, people who chose these names for their children (or had those names themselves) were particularly offended by the suggestion that their name made them ‘uncouth’ or ‘unsophisticated’.

Online forums, morning shows and radio segments hotly debated the list created by writer Sabrina Rogers-Anderson, who said at the time that she expected she might “ruffle a few feathers”.

Obviously not letting the negative attention get her down, Rogers-Anderson has just released a list of new names for 2016.

Along with the 20 new additions, Rogers-Anderson wrote,  “I believe we all have a bit of bogan in us that we should embrace and celebrate. In that spirit, I present to you the 2016 edition of my best bogan baby names list.”

Is yours or your baby’s name on the list? 

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Top Comments

guest 8 years ago

Why does it matter to you or anyone else? And why must it so relentlessly be associated with class? Perhaps "bogans" laugh behind your backs at all your Henrys and Harriets.

Aless6 8 years ago

Choosing our son's name was hard- as teachers we had seen the lot!!Heard this last week from a teacher...3 boys in a family- Never (was never meant to be), Harley (conceived on a HD!), Hall (see previous!). Some people shouldn't have children.....