
Get glowing skin with just 1 simple, daily change.






Confession: I was awful to my skin when I was younger. I used to adopt a less is more type of approach to looking after my skin, and by less I mean nothing.

I’d wash my makeup off in the shower and more often than not I’d skip the moisturiser. Not just because I hadn’t found the right one, but because my skin didn’t feel like it needed it. Then something happened. I hit my thirties, had a baby and suddenly my previously glorious skin genetics weren’t playing nice. Haggard could best describe my skin type.

When I was younger, I didn’t realise that by not keeping my skin properly moisturised (or cleansed for that matter) I was actually damaging my skin. Because if like me you lazily skip major steps in your skincare routine, environmental factors like the sun, working in air conditioning, consuming buckets of coffee and sleeping in your makeup all contribute to making the skin dry and damaged, and this is when it can lose moisture. When your skin is in this state, it looks dull and lacklustre (read: my face as a youth).

Then I tried Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Moisturiser…..

Just as an FYI, this is an advertorial for .

Admittedly, the last time I used Neutrogena was in my 20s. I used to love their Norweigen Formula range, then as I got older I delved into anti-ageing wrinkle creams, and after having children, and being too busy to properly look after my skin I stopped doing well, all of it. Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost delivers the results I always wanted in a skincare at a supermarket price point.

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The  main ingredient in the Hydro Boost range is highly purified Hyaluronic Acid (HA), it’s basically the stuff that gives you glowing, radiant skin and in my case makes people assume you must be pregnant again. If you know nothing about HA, it’s a gel-like substance that is found naturally in the body that can hold 1,000 times its weight in water.

It’s what makes your skin and hair healthy and shiny, and in skincare it’s one of the best ingredients for hydration and moisture retention.

Put it on your shopping list today.



NEUTROGENA®: A worldwide leader in premium, dermatologist-recommended skin, hair and cosmetics products, Neutrogena® Corporation has been providing consumers with health and beauty improvements for over 40 years. The Company manufactures and markets a line of premium-priced skin and hair care products that are distributed in more than 70 countries.

® Trademark Neutrogena Corporation

Top Comments

Kirsty 10 years ago

Nicky. I'm hoping you read this... I use a cleanser and moisturiser with salysilic(?) acid for acne. Can I use this over the top?

Nicky Champ 10 years ago

Hi Kirsty, yes you can! Hydro Boost is good for all skin types except sensitive skin. It is dermatologist tested, oil-free and non-comedogenic, so you won't have any issues with it flaring up your acne or using it in conjunction with salicylic acid. x