Here are 5 of the most common awkward body issues that we have to deal with from time to time, and how you can effectively manage them.
1. Hair sprouting in unexpected places.
All it takes is to see yourself from a different angle one day, perhaps looking in a new mirror with more intense lighting and bam – you’ve noticed that the fine hair on your upper lip or chin is well, sprouting a colony.
Sometimes hormone levels can play havoc with our bodies and lead to darker, more noticeable hair in areas such as the face, chest, abdomen or back. You might have even produced the odd stray mega-eyebrow hair… Or not. Ahem.
Depending on the degree of the problem, bleaching, waxing (or a carefully targeted plucking session) may alleviate the embarrassment caused by any unwelcome fibres on your bodies.
Laser hair removal or electrolysis may be the preferred option for more stubborn hairy issues.