
Johnny Depp's wife Amber Heard issued with summons after dogs Boo and Pistol brought illegally into country on private jet.



American actress Amber Heard has been issued with a summons after illegally bringing dogs Boo and Pistol into Australia on Johnny Depp’s private jet.

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions has confirmed a summons was issued against Ms Heard yesterday.

The Yorkshire terriers made international headlines in May when they were flown into Australia aboard Depp’s private jet while he and Heard were on the Gold Coast, where Depp has been filming the latest film in the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise.

They became undone after a photo of the two dogs was shared on social media by a Gold Coast dog grooming salon, almost three weeks after they had arrived in the country.

Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce issued an ultimatum to Depp, saying the dogs Pistol and Boo should “bugger off” back to the United States or be put down.

Pistol and Boo were flown back to the United States a few days later.

This post originally appeared by ABC news and was republished here with full permission. 

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For more on Depp and his dogs, take a look here:

Johnny Depp’s house is so Johnny Depp it hurts.

5 things we should throw out of Australia before Johnny Depp’s dogs.

Johnny Depp is fleeing the country to save his dogs.

Johnny Depp’s daughter is all grown-up, and looks a lot like her dad. Funny that.

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Top Comments

Guest 9 years ago

I'm surprised some, like Karl and Lisa on the Today show this morning, don't see the seriousness of this.
We are a rabies free country for good reason.......tough penalties for idiots like the Depps breaking the law.
Throw the book at them......who do they think they are? They should be treated like any other person trying to smuggle things into our country.

Bettie 9 years ago

good to hear - bio security is a serious issue. Hope others learn from this