
20 unashamedly ridiculously Christmas things. Because Christmas.



This is a special place full of Christmas things. This is a place for people who love Christmas.

There’s been a bit of talk lately. Talk about Santa not being good enough and Love Actually being a crappy movie. Talk about Mariah’s Christmas album being played too much.

Frankly, I won’t stand for it.

Christmas is a magical time. Grinches be cray.

So, I’ve created this special place. An unashamedly, brilliantly magical Christmas place. This is a place you can come for your special dose of Chrissy warm-fuzzies when the grinches are getting you down. Why?

That’s bloody why.

There’s two rules:

1. No haters. Christmas lovers only.

2. Share the love – spread the Christmas cheer and share this post around.

Because Christmas.

Let’s begin. Here are 20 ridiculously amazing Christmas things.

1. Obviously







































That’s it. Twenty little pieces of glorious Christmas things. Because Grinches. Be. Cray.



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Rogue is Mamamia’s space for fun, viral and random content, with everything from feminism to pop culture. We scour the internet so you don’t have to, and bring all the best bits back.

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Top Comments

Carol 11 years ago

I can highly recommend gaining yourself a digital radio and tuning it to ELF RADIO. It's 24/7 Christmas Carols all through the festive season. So good!

Sarah 11 years ago

I love Christmas for all these reasons and more. The more being the fact that some of us still celebrate the birth of Jesus. Would have been nice to acknowledge that MM, even if not everyone celebrates it, as Jesus is the reason we have come to celebrate the season in the western world. It's such a fun and happy time that I don't think people mind if we of faith still like to have it acknowledged.

JaneD 11 years ago

Exactly. You can't even say the word "Christmas" without mentioning who it is all about - Christ. And yet the real meaning is so often treated like an elephant in the room that is conveniently ignored. People proudly place stars or angels on top of their Christmas trees without even thinking about the reason we use those symbols - because of their direct connection to the story of Jesus' birth. Having said that, I love the Christmas season and the fact that, even if it is inadvertent, the real meaning is represented publicly in countless ways (e.g. through religious carols etc.) I'm also thankful that we live in a free country where those of us who do celebrate the real meaning are completely free to do so.

Lulu_bliss 11 years ago

I have a raptor dinosaur finger puppet from hungry jacks circa 1993 he has been my angel since :)