
10 easy steps to improve your posture

Bad posture not only looks awkward, it can have an impact on other areas of health. Here’s how to improve your posture so you’ll look and feel better…

How slouching hurts your body

Slouching - with your shoulders and upper back rounded forward - can lead to aches and pains in your back, neck and shoulders.

Sit properly

Sit all the way back in your chair. If you sit too far forward, there’s pressure placed on the pubic bone; too far back, there’s pressure on the tailbone.

Work from a better position

'There’s a natural tendency to lean forward toward your computer, which puts strain on your back,' says Melanie Kinchen, M.D., an orthopaedic surge

Get flexible

A lack of flexibility can lead to muscle imbalances and poor alignment.

Stretch when you get up

When you’re stuck in one position too long - whether it’s in an office chair, a car or on a plane - your muscles become fatigued.

Strengthen your core

'The core refers to the entire area from under the rib cage to mid-thigh, not just the abs,' says Kinchen.

Watch your sleep posture

Even sleep posture can leave you achy if you’re not properly positioned.

Lift the right way

Lifting kids, luggage or groceries can really hurt your back if you don’t use proper posture.

Be wary of other bad posture habits

When it comes to lugging backpacks and purses, there’s no way to maintain good posture, especially if they’re loaded up.


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