
'I was excited for my brother's wedding. When he told me the dress code, I refused to go.'

When a bride or groom thinks about their wedding day, it's likely they have a particular vision in mind. Some like to pull out all the bells and whistles for a grand black-tie spectacular; others prefer to keep it low-key and elope to a deserted beach far away.

And then there are those who have requests that are so specific, so niche with their requirements, it's enough to make guests question whether they even want to attend the nuptials.

In fact one couple were so determined to stick to their, er, roots that they came up with a rather left-of-field dress code for their guests. And no it wasn't a penguin suit.

Rather, a birthday suit.

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That's right, a bride and groom have drawn the attention of the internet after requesting that their wedding attendees come in the buff. Disrobed. Au naturel.

But while we can understand invitees' hesitation to RSVP 'yes', when the groom's sister raised concerns about the dress code (or lack thereof), she was met with pushback for refusing to comply.

The woman shared her story on Reddit and it has brought up an interesting conversation around how far people are willing to take things in pursuit of their perfect wedding day.

She started her post by explaining that her brother and his fiancée consider themselves "naturists" and adhere to a particular lifestyle. 

"My philosophy is that I don't care what others do as long as someone isn't hurting or infringing on my rights or the rights of others," she wrote. "Whatever consenting adults do in their private lives in none of my concern. This extends to my brother and his fiancée being naturists."

People who identify as naturists follow a lifestyle where they promote body positivity, freedom and acceptance by going nude. They will often meet in groups or embark on solo clothing-free activities to allow themselves to be one with nature, so to speak.

The woman continued, explaining that while she doesn't have any issue with their choice to be naturists, she does have a wee problem with them demanding that all wedding guests attend the event in the nude.

"I do take an issue with them being angry that I won't attend their wedding," she wrote.

"They are having their wedding and reception at a naturist resort. They met there and I understand it holds significance for them. I even checked if nudity is a requirement for the ceremony and reception, or if it's regular wedding attire. It's a requirement to be nude though, just like all other times at the resort."

Given her discomfort with the bare dress code the poster said she even "offered to pay for a separate reception for them however this just made them angrier."

Not that she needs to explain why she doesn't feel comfortable going nude in a large group of people, but the poster went on to say why she just can't get on board this wedding celebration.

"I was asked to be a bridesmaid even though I don't know my brother's fiancée well enough to be friends (I moved to Darwin from Adelaide for work before my brother met her)," she wrote. 

"I am definitely not comfortable walking up the aisle arm in arm with a groomsman I've never met when we're both nude. Or standing in front of everyone during the ceremony, or being in all photographs when I'm nude."

She ended her post by saying that she has nothing against the naturist cultural movement but if her brother is going to be so strict on his wedding dress code request, unfortunately, she just doesn't think she can be a part of it.

"I'm not saying being a naturist is wrong," she wrote. "I'm not saying they should not get married at the naturist resort. I'm just uncomfortable with attending the wedding if I'm required to be nude for it."

And look — we get it. As did people in the comments section...

"How could they not know that this would be a deal-breaker for most people to come to their wedding?" wrote one. "No one has the right to demand this of anyone. They have placed you in a position where you sound to them to be judgmental when you're actually just being realistic and setting a pretty fair boundary."

"You shouldn't feel guilty at all," wrote another. "Your body is yours to keep as covered or uncovered as you wish. Nobody can force or guilt you into stripping completely naked. Absolutely not. And your brother has no right to try and shove his lifestyle down your throat like that."

Another user brought up an important point about photographs and permissions around guests' bodies being shared.

"The thought of being in the photos fully nude would have me running," they wrote. "Are they gonna post that on FB for the entire world to see? I would never let anyone photograph me nude unless it was all strictly on my terms."

We all know that bridezillas and groomzillas walk amongst us, but the jury is seemingly in on this one. Go stark naked in life if that's what makes you feel great, but requesting this of your wedding guests is surefire way to ensure that the attendee list will be pretty bare too!

Feature Image: Canva.

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Top Comments

julie.cantrill7 3 months ago
No ... just no...

mamamia-user-161459585 3 months ago 3 upvotes
Want a cheap wedding?Asking everyone to go nude is a sure-fire way to keep the guest list down! And you don't have to fork out for a wedding dress!!