
'I gave up my career to be a homemaker and housewife. Here's how it's going.'

25-year-old American woman Estee C. Williams says she has chosen the #tradwife lifestyle on her own terms.

Some years ago, she stepped back from a career in meteorology, to focus on her family life instead.

For over a year Estee has been following the tradwife practice of 'submitting' to her husband and partaking in homemaking, telling Mamamia she personally doesn't think that makes her less than a man, rather just an "equally different role".

Looking to have kids in the future as well, Estee now regularly posts #tradwife content on TikTok, saying she feels a sense of relief in no longer having "to do it all".

In recent weeks she has posted videos of her baking her husband's birthday cake and a day in her life cooking, cleaning, primping and more. 

What does your wider circle think about you identifying as a tradwife?

"For the most part, we get support. Some people think this lifestyle can end bad and have financial issues but I believe proper budgeting and respect is how you can always make this life work."

How are you financially setting up for your future as a couple?

"It definitely takes some adjustment with the criticism I've received on social media. Many people say I'm setting women up for domestic abusive relationships when depending on a man financially. Many people bring the '1950s housewife' trope into my lifestyle. I enjoy the 50s aesthetic and fashion but that's about it. Financially we are setting our future up by using 1) budgeting, 2) sacrifice, and 3) multiple sources of income. I follow many people who are travelling to exotic countries but my husband and I are not and that's okay. We have chosen a path where more sacrifice is needed!"

Is your personal financial security something you're wary about?

"I am not concerned with my personal financial security. We are married and when we vowed ourselves to each other, we became one. His money is now our money. He puts our home, cars and businesses into both our names and has never given me a reason to not trust him. I put both all my eggs into this basket because that's what marriage is."

Were you once interested in pursuing a career outside the home? How do you feel about that now?

"I once was a student studying meteorology until I met my husband and I no longer feel the burden to uphold all the high standards I feel were placed on me at one point. I am liberated from having to 'do it all' and now I am simply a traditional wife who takes care of my home and husband."

Listen to the women on Mamamia Out Loud discuss their thoughts on the concept of tradwives. Post continues below.

If you had daughters, is this something you would want for them? Or would you be content if they followed a different path?

"If we had daughters, we would want them to gain the confidence to choose what would make them happiest in life. We would never pressure any of of future children into living any lifestyle."

How do you feel about women who do work outside the home or don't relate to the tradwife lifestyle?

"I support women who choose to work or be stay-at-home wives and mothers. We all aren't meant for the same purpose in life. Many women thrive off having careers. Both my sisters are what you would consider 'boss babes' and they are so happy and fulfilled in life. I support women choosing what makes them happy."

How do you think the concept of 'choice' play into the arguments surrounding tradwives?

"I recently made a video talking about this lifestyle being my choice and that women now have the choice which is a beautiful thing. It's 2023 not the 50s. Women can work, stay home, or do a mix of both. It's an amazing time in history as a woman. I believe women should start supporting each other and our individual choices instead of dumping our past trauma, or commenting personal feelings on a subject simply because we don't believe in it for ourselves. It's okay to NOT want what others have, but kindness and support go a long way. 

"Women have so many choices out in the world and some women are choosing to reject those career focused lives to live more simple lives. Getting married, making babies, and taking care of a home are very valid life goals and should be celebrated just as much as a woman choosing a career."

For more from Estee Williams, you can follow her on TikTok here and Instagram here

This article was originally published on February 28, 2023, and has since been updated with new information. 

Feature Image: Instagram @esteecwilliams.

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Top Comments

gu3st 2 years ago
It's weird that we're in a world where women can and do absolutely leverage their appearance, and most any woman will freely admit that in a private setting, but publically (online) we're supposed to tiptoe around that phenomenon without comment or acknowledgement. Even deny it. It's a weird herding of discourse in to a much more constricted, less meaningful and less accurate, space. Akin to calling something fake news.
simple simon 2 years ago
@gu3st I reference what you're saying to WAGs. I have nothing against WAGs, but we can't just say it like it is: they've used their physical attributes to bag themselves a high-status, high-income man. And good for them. But why can't we say that?
gu3st 2 years ago 1 upvotes
@simple simon Yep, exactly, and here, I made a comment suggesting that Estee is dressing and posing to accentuate her body and , in my opinion, to present as hyperfeminine persona, in order to sell the tradwife life, and her Insta. It was deleted, because I said it more directly than I do in this comment.     

draculasgirlfriend 2 years ago 2 upvotes
I'm a tradwife,,,, to myself, LOL!!!!! I make sure I have lovely clean clothes every day, cook myself yummy dinners and make delicious lunches for myself for work, I clean my home and make sure it smells nice, all for me! Living alone has its perks!!!!!!!
I hope this lady is taking time for herself and that her husband does take some time out to cook her a meal once in a while and picks up after himself. It's not something I would pick and I would not want a relationship with a man who wanted this. I like working and I think everyone who lives in a house should help run and maintain the house and household.