
Err, Tony Abbott, you and your staff really need to move out.

They’re not budging.

Look, yesterday I felt for Tony Abbott. I really did. I didn’t envy him facing this week’s music. I was in favour of a little compassion towards an individual enduring a dismal week.

And then, today, I learned that his staff are taking their sweet time to vacate their offices.

In past Prime Ministerial switch-overs – of which there have been plenty in recent years – most PMs took 2 full days to pack up and move on. But not Mr Abbott’s team.

Fairfax reports that his staff aren’t expected to have fully vacated the PM’s office until Saturday, four days after the change.

The new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, is apparently holed up in his old office which is much smaller and is being denied full access to the Prime Ministerial diary.

This is the sort of behaviour I would absolutely anticipate and even accept, to a degree, from my 2.5 year old.  Toddlers do not like having toys taken off them. They usually respond by gripping the said item more tightly, shrieking at any attempt to wrest it out of their hands and digging in their heels.

It would seem that in resisting to vacate swiftly, Tony Abbott’s staff are drawing a little inspiration from 2 and 3 year olds. Frankly, from a group of adults who started the week running the country, I’d expect a little more.

But perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by this conduct. Perhaps this is the final validation. Further proof that this group did not have the maturity or the insight to govern.

Are we finally going to have a set of adults in charge? We should know after Saturday.


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Can you please reinstate whinger of the week so I canbnominate the 2gb shock jocks.Its so delicious hearing their howls of protest as they shamble around in their hair shirts.Honourable mentions to Bolt and Ackerman

Brett 9 years ago

Don't forget Hadley. It's going to take a while before he forgives his BFF Morrison for betraying Abbott.


What a great interview.Hadley was like a jilted lover .

Ballerina 9 years ago

Forgive me for wondering, but what other PM's wife - or man, would carry their own boxes out of Kirribilli House? I think Margie probably couldn't get out of there quickly enough to get her own life back and to hopefully put an end of all the hatred thrown at her family.