
The 6 things you can do now to save your future face.

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No matter your age, there are a multitude of ways you can make sure your skin stays young, fresh and bright. The best news? They don’t involve surgery, which is a win for needle-phobes.

Here are six sure-fire ways to slow down the ageing process on your face. And trust me – they all make a difference.

1. Get eight hours of sleep a night.

Not getting enough sleep at night will fast-track the ageing process – especially on your face. Repeatedly having a poor night’s sleep can make us look older than we are. Even having just six hours of sleep a night, instead of the recommended eight, can double the amount of fine lines and wrinkles on the face and trigger permanent premature ageing of the skin.

Another tip when sleeping is to use a satin or silk pillowcase (instead of cotton). Your face will slide against the satin pillowcase instead of “pulling” against it (bye bye, fine lines).

2. Don’t skip your neck in your beauty routine.

Your face and neck are always on show and yet we generally only take care when looking after the former. Don’t skip your neck in your beauty routine because the skin on that area is just as thin as your face.

Spending time and money on making your face look amazing will mean nothing if your neck looks 10 years older. So look after it with the same level of care.

3. Wear SPF. Every. Day.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that UV rays are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to prematurely aging your skin. So wearing sunscreen every single day is a must if you want to protect your skin.

Apply sunscreen first (on your face as well as your neck), then moisturise and add your foundation over the top. Better yet, buy a two-in-one. SPF 30+ is preferable.

4. Don’t be afraid of technology.

Investing in laser skin treatments is one of the most effective ways to save your future face. They are a boost to your skincare program that will improve your skin tone, texture and pore appearance (and they are also a great pick-me-up for your skin, especially if you have an event coming up).

Laser skin treatments will refresh and rejuvenate your skin and can help to reduce wrinkles and other skin irregularities like pigmentation and acne scarring. The treatments generally last less than 20 minutes, with little to no down time and they won’t break the bank. Younger looking skin, without the surgery? Yes please.

5. Stay hydrated.

You know this one. But we're going to repeat it for a good reason. All of our tissues - including our skin - need water to maintain cellular functions. If our skin is too dehydrated it can make us look not only tired but make our skin appear dull.

Drinking enough water also makes our eyes look brighter. Bottoms up!

6. Use eye cream.

Your future self will thank you big time for investing in a good quality eye cream. In order to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, a moisturiser alone won’t be enough. The skin around your eye area is different to the rest of your face – it is thinner, and therefore will show signs of ageing faster.

An eye cream can also help with dark circles under your eyes, pigmentation, and puffiness, and there are ones specifically designed for each concern, so you can find one that will suit your specific needs.

How to you ensure your skin stays supple and smooth?

Here are some of our favourite celebs and their take on skin care and beauty.