
NSW has a new government. Here's what it means for women.

New South Wales has voted in a new premier. 

Over the weekend, Labor leader Chris Minns claimed victory in the state election, taking the reins from Dominic Perrottet, to become the 47th premier of NSW.

During his victory speech, Minns said the Labor party, who has spent the last 12 years in opposition, "will not let the people of this state down".

"I want to say to the people who voted for Labor or voted for the Liberals and Nationals, or voted for independents or minor party candidates today, we've been elected by the people of this state but we will govern for everyone in NSW," he said.

"We know that the challenges are huge, we know that the responsibilities are awesome, but NSW Labor is back and ready to govern in this great state."

Votes are still being counted at the time of publication, but Labor looks like to win majority government, having already secured 45 seats, according to the ABC.

Watch: Chris Minns' victory speech. Post continues below. 

Over the course of the election campaign, both major parties made plenty of promises to woo voters on big issues, from the cost-of-living to climate change. 

But when it comes to women's issues like healthcare and participation in the workforce, where does the new government stand? 

Here's a quick breakdown on Labor's promises. 


When it comes to supporting women in the workforce, one of Labor's big promises is to boost the Future Women's Jobs Academy.

The government said they will put $5.8 million towards the program, which will help 1,000 women over two years become job-ready.

The program will give women access to professional development and skills training, coaching and employer connections, among other benefits. 

As well as the academy, Labor has promised to work with the federal government and stakeholders to establish a new Working Women’s Centre, and has committed $2 million in ongoing funding. 

"These centres are a frontline service that help women navigate work-related issues including sexual harassment, underpayment, wage theft and parental leave," Member of the Legislative Council, Penny Sharpe, wrote on Twitter. 

Labor have also promised to scrap the wages cap "which has been a handbrake on essential workers wages, in particular nurses and teachers who are overwhelmingly women". 


Minns told Mamamia "our healthcare system is in crisis".

One way his party plans to address this for women is to boost funding for Women's Health Centres to $100 million over five years.

There centres are currently 20 Women’s Health Centres across the state, which provide a safe place for women to access physical and mental health services, as well as domestic, family, and sexual violence support. 

"Labor’s commitment will ensure centres can keep their doors open and continue to provide this specialised health care services to more than 50,000 women across New South Wales each year," a statement on Labor's party website reads.

"It will also reduce pressure on our hospitals as women can get healthcare where they need it, when they need it, without having to go to an Emergency Department. Every dollar invested in Women’s Health Centres avoids $1.71 in hospital and primary health costs."

Here's a look at some of their other policies:

  • Labor will provide $19.5 million over three years to fund an additional 29 McGrath Breast Care nurses.
  • Labor will also ban LGBTQ+ conversion practices.

Listen to The Quicky, Mamamia's daily news podcast. Post continues below. 

Sexual and family violence.

So far this year, eight women have been killed by violence in Australia, according to Destroy the Joint.

Labor has promised to provide $923,000 a year to the NSW Sexual Violence Helpline, which provides 24/7 crisis counselling for anyone who has experienced or is at risk of sexual assault, family or domestic violence. 

"Current underfunding means almost one in three calls currently go unanswered, which is unacceptable," Minns told Mamamia

Here's a look at some of their other policies:

  • Labor will introduce longer-term five-year funding arrangements for key community service providers, including domestic support services.
  • Victims of DV will be treated as a First Home Buyer, with no stamp duty on properties under $800,000 and exemptions up to $1 million.  
  • Labor will establish a new specialist multicultural domestic and family violence centre in South Western Sydney for migrant and refugee women. 
  • They will provide $8.2 million for Lifeline over five years to increase text and web chat services.

Feature Image: AAP/Mamamia.

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mamamia-user-482898552 a year ago 1 upvotes
Did Minns release these statements to Mamamia before or after the election was won?