
Couple has a naked Avatar-themed wedding. And the photos are glorious.


Brides, we’ve got some bad news. Forget about that white dress you were planning on wearing. You don’t need it.

A couple have just made it acceptable to wear nothing in wedding photos. And by nothing, we mean nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada. NAKED.

Hsin Han, 31 and her husband Cai Yuan,29, from China decided to go the full monty for their wedding photos. And when we say the full monty we mean STARK NAKED.


But that’s not all.

The pair were inspired by James Cameron’s hit film Avatar and decided to theme their wedding pictures around that.

They travelled to China’s Wulingyuan Scenic Area in Hunan Province. Stripped off and started posing. Then got their bodies painted blue and turned into magical Avatar creatures for a day.

Take a look:

Would you ever pose naked for your wedding photos?

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Top Comments

Tracey Rainbird 10 years ago

Wow beautiful

Angel 10 years ago

Bloody Awesome!! Now maybe I may get married some day if its as interesting as this!