
Mr Abbott, we're confused...

Dear Tony Abbott,

We’re a bit confused.

You see, on 6 September, 2013 — the night before your election last year — you made this pledge about what would happen if we made you Prime Minister:

… And, well, the 2014 Federal Budget looks a bit different from that.

Mr Abbott, what happened?

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Hayley 10 years ago

Does anyone remember that Midnight Oil song, "Short Memory"??? That song has been playing on my mind with all the unfairly critical judgment of the Liberal party the last week. Are people really that forgetful that want to penalize the Libs over this statement, and they've forgotten all of Labor's lies?! I'm honestly quite baffled. Let's not forget how the Libs got into this mess in the first place. Also, let's keep some perspective as to how many Australian's are actually affected by this "tax". Only those who earn over $180K a year, and this tax is due to last two years. Unlike the Carbon tax which was dished out to all households costing $550 a year, which the Libs have now "cut" (yes, there were actually some 'good' cuts!). Hmmmm.... not sure Tony Abbott is really worthy of all this bad press?! The Labor party had so many bad initiatives: pink batts, school halls, fuel watch, grocery watch, weakening the policy on the boats (so people put their lives in danger), NBN (massively over budget, massive lack of progress), carbon tax, mining tax.... I could go on! Let's not forget all the support they threw behind Craig Thomson too!

BNB 10 years ago

"over labours' lies"? - the one that springs to mind is gillard and the mining tax. But weirdly enough, you seem to think abbott's mob have broken only one of their promises. Surely you're not saying that? Do you need to be reminded of the raft of pre-election promises they made, and then broke? do you need to be reminded of all the wind they kicked up about governments needing to be reliable and trustworthy?
Aside from the complete hypocrisy, and the actual magnitude of the broken promises of abbott's mob, you also appear to be sold out on some of the fabrications they've pushed, and also lied about. You also seem to forget that actually the carbon tax strategy devloped by labour was going to cost you less than the strange system that abbott wants to put in.
As for your list of problems - actually i dont see single one there that is as mean spirited in intention as abbotts' butcherings. ALL of those initiative were intended to make life easier, more efficient and more useful for the average punter - ALL of abbots 'initiaves' are actually explicitly designed to make it HARDER - and why? because of a... a financial emergency? a what? find me an economist who identifies this thing actually exists please - or admit that yet again, abbott is imposing hardship for actually no purpose at all.

Melbmum 10 years ago

It's up to the independants now!! Please Please force him back to an election!!