
A "madman" tried to force himself into Kate Langbroek's home while she was there with her kids.

Radio host Kate Langbroek has recounted the terrifying moment a “madman” tried to force himself into her Melbourne house while she was at home her kids.

On air during her HIT FM radio show Hughesy and Kate on Thursday, the 52-year-old described the “crazed, violent, terrifying attack” by a “deranged” stranger on Friday night at their house in St Kilda.

After Kate arrived home about 10pm at night, her babysitter Annabelle was returning to her car when she noticed a man acting strange.

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“My heart is racing just telling the story,” Annabelle said. “As I unlocked the car he ran around, and then as I opened my car door he opened the passenger door.”

Thankfully, Annabelle noticed the man was trying to get in before she had got in her car and was able to run back to Kate’s home.

After taking in a “shaking” Annabelle, Kate and her husband Peter went outside to see what was going on. She said the man made a sudden dart for their gate, which Kate rushed to close, with her husband on the other side.

“And then I suddenly went ‘Oh dear God.’ I’d left the front door open,” Kate said.

“So I push the gate really hard, I run inside and I slammed the door.

“Praise be I put my leg up to the door to brace it [because] next minute he tries to kick the door in. The madman’s at the front door.”

Kate told co-host Dave Hughes how Annabelle called the police, while Peter successfully drew the man away from their front door and onto the street, where after yelling he began to walk away.

Neighbours had also called the police, who arrived while Peter was still outside and found and arrested the man.

After the show, the duo posted a photo that was taken in Kate’s home after the police arrived.

Kate said as the man had been charged and the matter would be heard in court she couldn’t go into details about his mental state, but her co-host surmised the man may have been on drugs.

While Kate only received minor bruising and her children weren’t harmed, she said the close-call made her frustrated that this could happen in her quiet street.

“It’s not sustainable in this country that people who are living good decent lives are having those lives compromised by people who have chosen to do the complete opposite.”

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Top Comments

MJ 7 years ago

That must have been a terrifying experience for them, and thankfully the Police arrived in time to apprehend the man. All six of them! Three of whom appear to be Detectives. That's one hell of a response.

Flissyb 7 years ago

When I first heard this my immediate thought was Ice. Sad sign of our times.