
In The Lift With Mia Freedman: Also known as "things to never tell your boss."

There are a few things you need to watch out for when you’re in the Mamamia office.

Your hairbands being stolen, your clothes being scented with more perfume than a discount chemist and Clare Gerber.

Clare is a creative producer, a mug thief and, sometimes, the worst person to find yourself in the lift with.

It’s not what she does while in there (thankfully), it’s what she says.

She’s so notoriously bad, we’ve started a whole series that takes advantage of the moments too gerberlicious to keep to ourselves.

So far, we’ve manage to troll: Guy Sebastian, Kasey ChambersSarah Wilson and Andrew Daddo.

This week we planted her in there with Mamamia Co-founder and Creative Director Mia Freedman.

Safe to say, it was a match made in “shit not to say to your boss” heaven.

The video playing above will give you a little insight into why I can never find a banana, why you should never brag about taking office supplies and why you should never, ever share a lift with Clare Gerber.

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