
The 4.5 star-rated razor extension handle that's perfect for pregnant women.

Growing a human inside you can be challenging for a number of reasons – the biggest being one’s entire purpose for existence changes entirely, obviously. But challenging also because a baby bump can make it somewhat difficult to do some basic things like sit comfortably on a stool, wear restrictive pants and…reach your legs to apply moisturiser or shave them.

But please, allow us to present an item that could very well assist you with the latter activity: behold, the Giraffe razor extension handle.

The handle works by attaching to any razor, making it extremely user-friendly. It’s also economical – the $42 AUD cost is a one-off, and you won’t need to buy anymore razors than you would under normal circumstances.

The Amazon description says the product is designed, “specifically to assist women who were unable to shave their legs due to limitations in flexibility and mobility.”

It explains, “These limitations could stem from the increasing discomfort from symptoms associated with the second and third trimester of pregnancy, sports injuries, hip and knee surgery or a chronic medical condition such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy, and shoulder, neck or back pain.”

The Giraffe has a 4.5 star average rating on the site, with many expectant mums leaving rave reviews.

“I gifted this to my pregnant daughter and she says it’s amazing!” one comment read.

“Over all great to have if you are pregnant and having trouble shaving or after a surgery,” said another.

One mum wrote, “I will keep using it even after delivery. I would definitely recommend it.’

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Other reviews detailed the use of the extension handle to help during recovery from injuries.

“I have osteoarthritis in both knees and hips – and will soon have my first hip replacement. I know my giraffe will be invaluable then – as I will not be allowed to bend down,” read one comment.

Another said, “After recently having a total hip replacement at a young age, this product has given me back my independence and dignity. Not to mention hair free legs. Simple to use, well made and fits my disposal razors.”

Did you have a trick for shaving your legs during your pregnancy? Tell us in the comments below.

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