
LAURA HENSHAW: 'I spoke to 1,000 women about the fear of becoming a mum. We all had one thing in common.'

Society tells me 'it's time' to have a baby. I'm a 31-year-old married woman, in a heterosexual relationship. That's just what we do, right? But I don't feel ready

"Do I want kids?" It's a question rarely posed in public. In a pro-natal society, speaking about this decision feels really taboo. We live in a world that seems to celebrate motherhood as the pinnacle of womanhood, admitting uncertainty can feel like a betrayal of what is expected of us.

Some women are born to be mothers, but I've never related to that innate knowing. I mean, I have always pictured having kids. But is that society painting an idealised picture for me? Or is that what I truly want for myself?

Image: Supplied.

My life as it stands right now is full to the brim. I have a beautifully loving relationship with my husband, two dogs that I absolutely adore, my friends and family mean the world to me, and I've found purpose through the work we do at Kic, empowering our incredible community that they are enough, just as they are.

The thought of becoming a mum genuinely scares me. Last year, I opened up about my fears on a KICPOD episode, and I have never been so inundated with messages from women sharing how they relate to this feeling.

I had felt so alone in this thought process, when in fact, it is incredibly common. I couldn't shake this feeling, and with the biological clock ticking, it become all-consuming. I searched for content to help me unpack one of life's biggest decisions. And yet, I couldn't find anything.

I felt an innate responsibility to use my platform to speak about this publicly. And so, "Do I Want Kids?" the KICPOD mini series was born. A safe space to ask the questions we feel we can't ask, but are so important in shaping our decision.


Watch: Being Childfree By Choice. Post continues below.

Video via The Guardian.

During the research for this podcast I spoke with 1,000 women to understand their thoughts, fears and concerns about becoming a mum. Everyone brought their own unique perspectives, but we all had one thing in common. We all felt isolated. 

For women aged 20-40, there is so much shame in not knowing if motherhood is for you. It feels like a topic we 'shouldn't' voice.

And it's no wonder, when those who had shared their feelings with friends and family, were met with "it's just a phase", or "you'll change your mind." Comments that make it feel like there's something 'wrong' with us if we don’t innately want to have children. There's so much shame in not knowing — when there shouldn't be any at all.

"I fear that I will lose myself."

A significant fear that came up repeatedly was the fear of losing oneself. The women I spoke with were deeply concerned about losing their identities if they became mothers. They worried about having to give up their careers, passions, and the freedom to live life on their terms.


This fear isn't just about losing a lifestyle; it's about losing a sense of who we are. Many women worry they will become consumed by motherhood and that their own needs, desires, and goals will be sidelined or forgotten.

Image: Supplied.

The conversations I had with these women were eye-opening. They revealed that, despite our different paths in life, many of us share similar fears about motherhood. The fear of losing ourselves, our relationships, our careers, and even our sense of identity is real and valid.

But here's what I want every woman reading this to know: You're not alone. It's okay to have these fears and uncertainties. It's okay to not have all the answers.

Motherhood is a deeply personal choice, and it's perfectly normal to have doubts and to wonder if it's the right path for you. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and to give yourself permission to explore these feelings without judgment.

We don't have to navigate these questions alone. By sharing our fears and talking openly about our uncertainties, we can find comfort and support in each other.

To every woman who is unsure about becoming a mum: I see you. I hear you. You are not alone in this.

Laura x 

Laura Henshaw is CEO & Co-founder of Kic + host of the 'Do I Want Kids?' KICPOD mini series.

Feature Image: Supplied.

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