
The internet is divided over the proper way to make scrambled eggs.

We need to talk about eggs. Specifically, scrambled eggs.

Over the weekend, digital creator and dad-of-two Sean Szeps shared how he makes scrambled eggs. 

Nothing fancy - he whisks eggs together in a bowl and adds a splash of milk. Then, he asked his 26,000 Instagram followers if they do that too.

Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

"I didn't think, even for a millisecond, that this would turn into a 'thing'," Sean told Mamamia.

Well, it did.

"Within six hours, I had 3000 votes on the poll and nearly 1000 messages asking things like 'what other options are there?' or 'I add orange juice!' or 'I don't add anything!'," Sean said.

For the next 48 hours, Sean went deep into the topic of scrambled eggs on his Instagram Stories, titling the series, The Great Scrambled Egg Debate (you can see the stories here).

He asked his followers what they use other than milk (if anything), if they use a pot or a pan, and what toppings they like, among other questions. And everyone had different opinions.

Sean started off by asking what ingredients people use. Milk was the most popular answer, followed by cream. Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

Next, he asked whether you scramble the eggs before or after they hit the pan. Scramble before won! Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

What about toppings? On top or mixed in? Mixed in (apparently)! Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

And which sauce??? Obvs tomato. Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

The top three toppings of choice, which we 100 per cent agree with. Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

And the top four weird toppings of choice... Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

Lastly, HOW do you scramble them? In a pan, of course! Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

During and since the debate, Sean has received over 400 photos of people's different scrambled eggs. Ex-MasterChef contestant, Connor Curran, sent in his recipe too.

"It just became a debate that people actually enjoyed. And now people are demanding new food debates be covered. So, I guess I'm the Food Debate Guy now," Sean told us.

SO. MANY. VARIATIONS. Image: Instagram/@seanszeps

We continued the debate by asking our Mamamia team how they scramble eggs. And they reinstated that no one does it the same.

"Scramble in a bowl first, add a little milk, salt and pepper then stir in pan." - Lily.

"Exactly the same as Lily, except maybe add some cheese, chilli flakes and spinach if I'm feeling fancy." - Karen.

"I did that until I made the Bills scrambled eggs on the weekend: mix eight eggs and one punnet of cream in a big bowl, put butter in frying pan, add mixture and then you stir it, you don’t scramble it. It was amazing." - Lize.

"Guys, am I doing it wrong? I make mine in the... microwave." - Katie.

"If I'm lazy, crack them into the pan then just start scraping. But for the good s**t, whisk them in a bowl, add salt and pepper and a bit of milk and/or butter. Once it's in the pan sprinkle cheese on top then mix, and then melt cheese on top after as well." - Emmeline.

"Two eggs whisked with a bit of milk, parmesan, salt and pepper, into the pan with butter, mix in some fresh chilli and take off heat while still a tiny bit runny. Serve hot." - Emily.

"In the microwave, quick fork whisk and voilà!" - Nicolle.

"Three eggs, parmesan cheese and a whisk. Pan on a high heat. Pour eggs mixture into the hot pan. Figure eight stir, lifting the cooked egg from the bottom to allow the uncooked egg to ooze over and repeat the figure eight until JUST cooked. Add shallots on top with fresh bread. Voilà." - Renny.

Honestly, our minds are blown.

How do you scramble eggs? Please tell us in the comments below.

Feature image: Instagram/@seanszeps

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Top Comments

food for thought 3 years ago
The best way is to melt butter in a pan slowly and don't be shy with the amount, on a low to med heat, crack your eggs into the pan just as the butter has melted, lightly scramble the eggs with a fork and slowly stir when the white's are just set take off the heat add salt and pepper and I swear that is the tastiest, creamy scramble egg's you'll try just like bill's without the double cream.

sarahsarahsarah 3 years ago
2 or 3 eggs, splash of milk & some butter mixed together all in the pan. I avoid mixing in a bowl because I can’t stand the smell of egg on dishes …. Is this just me ?? Sometimes if I go to a cafe, I can smell egg on the glassware … turns me off ! 
kristync81 3 years ago 1 upvotes
@sarahsarahsarah I am SO with you on that smell. It’s like manky wet dog 🤢 My kids make scrambled eggs all the time and I have to rinse all the dishes in very hot water and white vinegar to get rid of the smell or I can’t eat anything.
sarahsarahsarah 3 years ago
@kristync81 haha, I’m glad I’m not the only one! 
Oh, I must try using vinegar when getting rid of the smell 🙌