
HOROSCOPES: Your focus will be razor sharp this week, Gemini.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning June 9. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Mars marches into your money zone this week, ready to tackle your finances head-on. It's time to face any economic challenges squarely — burying your head in the sand won't cut it. Sure, sorting through bills and debts is the last thing you want to do. But stick with it because, with some grit, you'll start seeing your savings grow and your debts shrink. 


On Tuesday, a clash between Mars and Pluto might put you in the crossfire of someone else's bad mood, or you could catch some heat from someone having a rough day. But remember, you have the power to navigate these challenges. Be the peacemaker, not the instigator. With these planets at odds, it's wise to keep a low profile and not absorb others' negativity. Let any harsh words roll off your back and keep moving forward. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.

Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Thanks to Saturn, Sunday is your power day for productivity. It's the perfect time to tackle your to-do list or catch up on overdue tasks. Your focus and concentration will be razor-sharp, ideal for sifting through fine print or managing meticulous details. Once you've cleared your plate, you’ll have the space to focus on yourself. By week's end, carve out time just for you — recharge and rejuvenate.

POWER DAY Saturday.

Take some time for introspection on Saturday — it could spark a brilliant idea or an epiphany. If you've been wrestling with a problem or stuck in a tough spot, the Sun's and Mercury's alignment will illuminate your path forward. Once you've crafted a plan, discuss it with the key people involved. This dialogue can help refine your strategy and ensure everyone is on the same page. 


Mars stirs up your career sector, which could go one of two ways. You might be supercharged and ready to pursue your goals and exceed targets. Alternatively, it could lead to tension with authority figures. Navigate cautiously around sensitive egos that sway critical decisions about your future. If you're not on the professional track, this advice also holds true in your personal life — now's not the time to provoke conflicts. 

POWER DAY Monday and Thursday.

This week brings a pivotal decision that could change your life's direction — perhaps you're thinking about proposing or shifting your career path. For others, the focus is on clearly articulating your ambitions, dreams, or visions. Don't hesitate to delve into the specifics — providing detailed explanations will ensure those who need to understand your goals can fully grasp them and respond effectively to your needs. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.

Love and money intersect this week, possibly blending into a single scenario. You and your partner might contemplate moving in together, sparking necessary financial talks. Alternatively, you could be planning to buy (or you might receive) a pricey gift for your sweetheart. The key here is authenticity — ensure that any commitments or promises you make are within your financial means. Keep conversations honest and straightforward to avoid overextending yourself. 

POWER DAY Saturday.

Pluto and Mars cause friction on Tuesday, affecting your family dynamics or a close relationship. While it's important not to let anyone push you around, escalating conflicts won't help either. The best approach? Stay calm and collected. Address any issues rationally rather than emotionally. You'll maintain peace and sanity by handling confrontations with a cool head. Keep your responses measured and thoughtful to navigate this tricky day smoothly. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.

Mars fires up your work life this week, Sagittarius, sparking an exciting development. Dive into any new challenges with gusto and seize every chance that comes your way. This could involve stepping out of your comfort zone — go for it! However, be mindful not to overextend yourself with personal commitments unrelated to work. Balance is vital; manage your energy wisely and make time for your wellbeing amid the week's demands.


Mars kicks things into gear if you've felt stuck lately. The planet of action compels you to not only devise a solid plan but also to execute it. Push past doubts or self-sabotage — now's not the time for fear. Additionally, your creative energy is surging. For all the artists and dreamers, expect a wave of inspiration that will help you manifest something that's uniquely yours. 


Mars and Pluto could push a living situation to a critical point, demanding a decision. It might feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place but trust that things are unfolding as they should. Feeling an itch for a personal revamp? Go easy on the radical changes. Use this energy to plan thoughtfully — maybe kick off a Pinterest board to piece together your ideal new look. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.

Mars charges into your communication sector this week, Pisces, sharpening your words. This energy is excellent for articulating thoughts you typically hold back. However, there's a thin line here — too much candour can lead to comments you'll regret. Aim to find that sweet spot where you can express yourself clearly without stepping on too many toes. It's all about balancing honesty with tact. 


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature image: Mamamia.

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