
HOROSCOPES: You're absolutely magnetic this week, Leo.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning July 28. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

With a little lunar assistance, you'll untangle a miscommunication or a slip of the tongue. Come the weekend, a surprise gesture or declaration rekindles romance for those in relationships. As for singles, Venus' link to rebellious Uranus suggests broadening your dating spectrum into unchartered territory, which could lead to an intoxicating interaction. 



The Moon's in your sign until Tuesday, cranking up your confidence and helping you stand tall. You're on top of your game, and honestly, others will notice. Your potent personal magnetism attracts attention and admiration. Use this wave of influence to ignite positive change and make the most of the social spotlight. 


Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 


Video via Mamamia.

Watch out for sweet talkers who lay it on thick with compliments but disappear when it's time to act — true colours show through deeds, not flattery. When it comes to knowing who to trust, lean into your intuition and perk up your sixth sense. Your angels are calling! There's a divine message coming your way this week. 


POWER DAY Tuesday.

Starting Thursday, the Moon cranks up the emotional volume, making it crystal clear who's in your corner and who's dragging you down. This weekend, Venus recommends taking a break from the rat race with an outdoorsy adventure. Hitting the trails or simply being in nature is a beautiful way to decompress. 


POWER DAY Thursday.

You're absolutely magnetic this week — everyone's buzzing about you. While basking in the adoration is great, don't forget the value of humility. Resist the lure of ego by staying grounded in authenticity, even when others put you on a pedestal. By the weekend, La Luna carves out some much-needed downtime to relax and rejuve. 


POWER DAY Saturday.

It's a stellar week for exploring new interests or sharpening an old talent. If career advancement is on your agenda, make that daring move on Tuesday. For others, personal development and growth come from pushing your boundaries. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone — opportunity lies in the zone that both scares and excites you. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.


At work, don't be afraid to steal the spotlight and impress the bosses. Your fearless attitude will grab their attention and could lead to new opportunities or even a promotion. With Venus fanning the flames, romance is set to sizzle. Anticipate passion, steamy conversations, and a beautiful moment of vulnerability that takes your breath away.



Evaluate your relationships — are they as rewarding as they are demanding? It may be time to shift the balance in your favour. As you push forward with a personal or professional goal, remember that being kind doesn't just feel good — it actually works. Keeping your cool and playing fair this week gets you to your goals drama-free. 



This Wednesday, be on the lookout for useful advice or valuable information that could benefit your child or help out a friend. Jupiter reminds you that compassion is your ace in the hole when it comes to resolving any disagreements. Approach conflicts with kindness — you'll find they dissolve much more quickly. 



Listen to a specialist or expert — someone brilliant in an area where you lack experience — to enhance your outcome. Be mindful on Friday, though: if you're tempted to let a secret slip, double-check the reliability of your confidant. Leveraging humour to navigate tricky situations is your secret weapon this week. 



You will find solace in a deep conversation with a family member, while a talk with a friend confirms what you've suspected all along. Take time to process. Venus turns up the feel-good vibes — share the love! Text a compliment to a friend, buy coffee for someone just because, or post a shout-out to someone who’s crushing it. 

POWER DAY Saturday.


While La Luna highlights your talents, Neptune causes you to question them. Remember, these doubts are just fleeting shadows. Trust in your skills and keep pushing forward. Your capabilities are solid now, even if foggy Neptune tries to mess with your head. If finger-pointing begins, Mars reminds the real culprit to take a look in the mirror. 


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature Image: Mamamia.

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