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'Maybe she came on for a bit of fun.' The Bachelor's Helena on Abbie's real intentions.


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When Helena Sauzier walked into her final rose ceremony on The Bachelor, bachie Matt Agnew looked at her.

It was then she knew she was going home.

Speaking to Mamamia after her elimination on Wednesday night’s episode, the 25-year-old health and wellness coach from Perth said she had already prepared herself to leave by the time Osher came in and whispered at her that she had not received a rose, which is why she appeared so level-headed while saying goodbye to Matt.

Excited for tonight? Here’s the promo for The Bachelor finale. Post continues below video.

“I definitely cried when I was finally out of the whole situation, when I got back to my hotel,” Helena said. “At the time I kept composed because I didn’t really want to make a scene, I wanted to be graceful when I left.”

Matt sent her home after complaining that she was not being as open about her feelings as the other remaining contestants Chelsie and Abbie. Watching it back, Helena understands why Matt thought she could’ve been holding back.

“Watching it last night I was like ‘Oh wow,’ at the stuff [Abbie and Chelsie] were saying, especially with Abbie saying ‘I love you’. I definitely wasn’t at that stage. I was definitely at the stage where I could see myself falling in love with him, but at that stage it was just a very strong connection.

“I’m a bit more of a slow burn, but I think realistically after [a total of] 10-12 hours together, to say ‘I love you’ – I don’t know, I think it’s a bit unrealistic to be honest.”

Understandably, she wasn’t going to pretend her feelings were stronger than they were or try and force herself to move faster in order to keep Matt happy.

“I’m sure maybe if I was more open he would’ve been like ‘Okay, she’s really into it’ and kept me around a bit longer but I don’t see the point in that. I just need to stay true to myself.”

But what is confusing to her is that Matt went to such lengths to convince her to return after her disastrous home town date, during which she tried to quit the show (twice).

Helena said she was really glad she kept herself out of the drama that went on in the mansion, but it could get seriously “exhausting” to be surrounded by so much craziness.

When asked about Abbie, who has really been at the centre of the controversy all season, Helena was adamant that she was genuine in her feelings for Matt, even if so many other contestants (Monique, Sogand, Mary, Elly… the list is long) have questioned her motives.

“I think her feelings were real towards Matt, especially towards the end. If they weren’t she literally deserves an Oscar for her performance, she should go straight to Hollywood.

“Maybe she did just come on the programme for a bit of fun, as I’m sure so many people do, but as time went on I think she started to realise ‘Oh, wow okay, I actually really like Matt, I see a future with him’.”

As for what Helena’s been up to for the last few months, well, it’s all been pretty stock standard. But now that she’s able to be seen out and about without worry, she is keen to get back on the dating scene.

“I went on there to meet someone and I’m still looking to meet someone, so fingers crossed.”

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Top Comments

Janelle Claire Berner 5 years ago

Abbie said she wanted to go on bachelor in paradise during this apparently. You don’t plan on going on that if you aren’t genuine. She likes the attention and that’s ok too but it’s going to run out at some point. I think sometimes you meet someone and you just know that this is your person, regardless of how long you spend with them. I’ve known of people who got engaged after 1 date and are still together 40 years on. Reasonably nobody really expects engagements but I think it’s possible to love someone in a short time if they are the right one.

Rush 5 years ago

She sounds far too sensible to be on a show like this! I completely agree with her that saying 'I love you' to someone you barely know is silly, and the idea that some people expect them to get engaged at the end of the show is just ridiculous.