
The reactions to Eurydice Dixon's death that capture what we're all feeling today.

Like those of Jill Meagher, Masa Vukatic and Tracy Connelly, Eurydice Dixon‘s death has struck a chord with the public.

Most speaking about the budding comedian don’t know her, had never met her and had likely never even heard her name before it anchored headlines and news bulletins around Australia this week.

But something about the 22-year-old’s rape and murder in Carlton North on Tuesday has prompted an outpouring on social media and beyond. There are those offering condolences, sympathising with her friends and loved ones, those who are angry at the perpetrator, furious over victim blaming, or simply frightened that this has happened near their own front doors.

But there are some who have managed to capture something bigger. Something about what this means for and/or to the wider community.

Below are just a few.

(This message has been shared by several people over the past 24 hours or so, and has attracted thousands of reactions. But it wasn’t actually written in response to Eurydice’s murder. It was penned by writer Jane Gilmore in 2015 following the murder of Melbourne schoolgirl Masa Vukotic, who was raped and killed by a stranger in a Doncaster park.

Sadly, the sentiment still applies.)

Mamamia OutLoud on why we’ll all remember the name Eurydice Dixon…

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